Friday, November 18, 2005

BBC NEWS | Technology | Pocket answer to digital divide

Pocket answer to digital divde they way |I and many others are thinking. The personalised toool of choice not one we say everybody must have the same a "PC".

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Dublin Core Meta Data generator on the fly !

This is very geeky but if you’re into metadata neat!!!
Dublin core meta data generator

blogs into PDF

Every wanted to turn a blog into a nice clean PDF

Well this site does exactly that short blog but brilliant site

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Guardian Unlimited Technology | Technology | Growing up with the wired generation

Interesting review from Techology Guardian on a MTV report on the wired genration qwith some amazing statistics .

I quote
"But the effects of technological advancement are unavoidable. Three out of four children have access to the internet via a computer at home. One in three children who use the internet makes friends online. Children in the UK aged between 10 and 19 own approximately 7.5m mobile phones, on which they send many of the 89m text messages written daily. And one pound in every 10 of disposable income was spent by teenagers on mobile products and services this year."

True digital natives !! Prensky eat your heart out.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Tackling Social Exclusion through technology

Tackling Social Exclusion Through New Technologies

Well worth a read if you are interested in the so called digital divide

New Report from Office of Deputy Prime Minister – Social Exclusion Unit. 1st November 2005
Inclusion Through Innovation:

Becta Expert Technology Seminar

Becta Expert Technology Seminar - Enabling flexibility
      FREE seminar
      Thursday, 8 December 2005
      Manchester Conference Centre
Providing access to learning at a time and place that suits the learner can be achieved in many ways, through services extended by academic institutions; in the home and the library; through the learner's own personal device of choice (phone, handheld or portable computer) To deliver true 24/7 access to learning for all learners will not only impact on the traditional educational institution, but will also have considerable social implications.
How realistic is this vision when coupled with the flexibility inherent in the personalised learning and 14-19 reform agendas?

What role can current and emerging technologies play in assisting to bring about anytime anywhere learning and to what extent should we invest in technological solutions to ensure flexibility for all learners, educators and administrators.

      This FREE seminar will try to address some of these questions and has the following themes

      1. Access to learning at a time and place that suits the learner (VLEs/external access)
      2. Services extended by academic institutions (ISPs, WMAN)
      3. The learner’s own personal device of choice (Phone, handheld or portable computer)
      4.  Digital divide (there will be a panel discussion on this subject)
      5. Personalised learning and 14-19 reform agendas
      6. Current and emerging technologies

      Register for this forthcoming event