Thursday, December 27, 2007

A tale of three devices

Well back home after a break !! Interestingly online on three different devices running different operating systems. Running

  • Windows XP
  • Mac OS running Leopard
  • Linux
well the XP experience on my reliable workhorse PC was reliable if a little slow. The Mac OS usual interesting experience. what was really intesting the ASUS EEPC running a version of linux.

Ive been using it for a while keyboards a little small but usable the flash driver boot upis lightening fast the screen is bright and integration of igoogle,google docs and firefox is as refreshing change . Is it thee device well nearly for some users !!But as I shout its not about the device stupid!!!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Rethinking the digital divide - the themes for the the 2008 ALT Conference

This looks like shaping up to being a cracking event so go on submit a proposal.

Rethinking the digital divide - the themes for the the 2008 ALT Conference, and the call for proposals

The paper submissions system for the 2008 Association for Learning Technology Conference opened on 14 December 2007, and will remain so until 29 February 2008. Meanwhile ALT has announced the 7 (well 8) dimensions of the conference. Proposals for inclusion should address up to 3 of these:

* global or local;
* institutional or individual;
* pedagogy or technology;
* access or exclusion;
* open or proprietary;
* private or public;
* for the learner or by the learner;
* or other aspects of the digital divide.

read more here

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Anyone for scrapbook?

Collecting or capturing web pages to reduce the stress of using web content in presentations is something I have got more confident with doing without . But to be honest it is sometimes really useful. I have used snag it which is a product you pay for and works across nearly all PC applications but lately I have discovered scrapbook an Add on for firefox that alows you to capture web pages as well as linked pages and media files considering its free its a robust product have a look at

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Microsoft buys Multimap "The next Utility

Microsoft buys Multimap
Consolidation among digital map providers continues as Microsoft joins the charge started by TomTom and Nokia by buying an established map maker.Microsoft have bought multimap

Thanks to ITpro for this lead read story here

this is interesting on lots of levels
1)Computer mapping or proto GIS I have often talked about the next Utility in terms of desktop PC applications on and offline.
2) The rise of mobile devices being able to locate/orientate users using GPS or geographical tag photo's sound recordings whatever has made integration mapping utilities much more possible for companies individuals . this is much more interesting . Now multi map came before Google maps but it does strike an interesting acquisition by Microsoft

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Monday, December 17, 2007

This revolution will be text-messaged

This article from zdnet
has made me reflect I have been thinking of gill Scot herons famous track the revolution will not be televised over last few weeks. In a slightly different context of the gathering TSUNAMI of the mobile internet . The coup rightly or wrongly didn't succeed due to public apathy or commitment . But it shows how text messaging is now seen as part of the armoury in terms of propaganda popular uprising.

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Sunday, December 16, 2007

Ipods in education

If your one of my readers with an Apple and Ipod interest in the mobile learning sphere this is well worth a look . Any FE colleagues involved in Molenet projects might find it useful. the videos cover a range of techniques approaches go on have a look. Thanks to Bob Harrison for the link

Friday, December 14, 2007

BETT preview on teachers TV

Its that time of year see Ray Barker of Besa and others on teachers TV previewing what's on offer at BETT.

Division occurring the small format UMPC market

Its seems to me with appearance of flash memory only device like asuseepcc and so called rich media devices with conventional micro hard drives . Is making a distiction into:

1)Flash memory smaller capacity and slower processor UMPC often running non windows software like linux. with a low price tag.
2) Rich media more powerful devices runing windows based software with huge conventional micro drives and more powerful processors .

Toshiba one of the major suppliers of micro format hard drives (Toshiba) who interestingly don't make a UMPC have just announced huge micro format hard drives
which will add to the division buy which type meets your need but remember the future is mobile !!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Educational software for eepc from sums on line

Asus eepc Its hardly been out a month or so and good old sums online have started producing their content to run on it. As usual not a recommendation but interesting they've got content out so quick .

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Teachmeet08 the 5th edition 11th January

I dont need to say anything but if you want to see whats great and happening in innovative teaching be there !!!

the event is coming south from its long standing cult status at the Scottish Learning festival .

Thanks to Ewan for being one of driving forces behind teachmeet

Monday, December 03, 2007

OLPC orders kick of and Buy one Gift one Free (BOGOF) is reaping benefits

This from engadget. All steam ahead for the OLPC Foundation, which recently received an order from Peru for 260,000 of the little XO laptops. Also news is that Mexican billionaire and Negroponte's chum Carlos Slim has purchased 50,000 for his country. That's against a background of $2 million sales a day on the Give One, Get One program. Clearly, the OLPC Foundation is the most successful program out there for getting laptops into the hands of schoolchildren.

now my own thoughts the BOGOF campaign is a rweally interesting model why dont we add a premium for other health orientated projects say $5.00 or more as well as the kit.

The OLPC may not be in everybody's view the right model but at least they are giving it a go.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Office 2007 gets official mobile compatibility

Now this is interesting and a upgrade to make windows mobile compatible with Office 2007 format using controversial Office Open XML (OOXML) specification. read it here strictly no comment on this but for your info only

'SatLav' text service finds nearest loo

Excuse the topic but interesting all the same ?

Lovely one here on finding a toilet using SMS

Westminster City Council has launched an SMS service to inform users of the nearest public toilet.

Users text 'toilet' to 80097 and the service determines their location and automatically finds the nearest public toilet. The 'SatLav' system charges 25p for each text.

Locations include the council's 40 public toilets, plus those of the Greater London Authority, London Underground and some major department stores.

Westminster City Council said that the location service is designed to cut down on the amount of "street urination".

eee PC getting to look at one soon.

Will have one of these by Wednesday of next week. Now they aren't a rich media PC I know but they run

  • word processor
  • spreadsheet
  • presentation tool
  • video player

they support video out wireless and USB for under £220 . Will let you know how I get on and you make your own mind up.

You can read someone elses review here

I am not vouching for validity but giving you a chance to read about it !

Cell Phone College Class Opens in Japan

Japanese already use cell phones to shop, read novels, exchange e-mail, search for restaurants and take video clips. Now, they can take a university course. Now Cyber university are offering course my mobile phone .
No not mixed delivery method stuff but pure by mobile or so it seems

My mobile feed the famous Mike Short Bless Him sent me this !!

Even I a few months ago would have scoffed but my own prediction of the year being the year the mobile goes mainstream is becoming fact.

Cyber interesting or cyber rubbish ?? You decide ?