Thanks to Liam Lowe for this
Portio Research have a new research report out which states:
link here The mobile messaging market is expected rake in $130 billion in revenues by the end of the year, and is on pace to climb to $224 billion by 2013.
At that level, mobile messaging will make up 60 percent of all non-voice service revenues.
At least some of those increased revenues might be due to the higher price of a text message and operators' push to encourage more bundled services at the point of sale.
Interestingly enough, although the U.S. is considered late to the SMS party, Americans now send double the number of messages that Europeans average each month.
Now its seems this data is quite robust and interestingly other data suggests qwerty keyboards on mobiles are more common in the US.
Has the American consumer between the network confusion (caused US telecoms) and got the mobile bug .
From studying google alerts for mobile over 18 months its seems from UK and European domination the most often picked up mobile learning leads are the US and India.
Predictions for 2009 the world is mobile not. The UN report earlier this year suggesting the next billion internet users will be mobile internet users back this up.