Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Catch the wave or is it waves

Google does small roll out of 100,00 users of google wave see the post from the BBC for some background

dont need to say anymore one to watch

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Fuss about Cell Phone

I had the pleasure of chairing Laura Czerniewicz prsent a paper at ALTC in 2008 in Leeds
About student access to Technology in SA. Great session and she wont best research paper for it.

She this year has published work on whats the fuss about cell phones post can be found here    Lauras great blog can be found at

In a country were for the majority of the population THE ONLY ACCESS for voice or data is mobile .

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Changes by Lewes New School

Now some people give Youtube a bit of stick ( I may or may not be one of them) in educational context. But watch these musicians and look at there work on YouTube on lewesnewschool on YouTube . When I looked 15,364 views and growing
Nice bit of work well done to all involved.

Changes by Lewes New School

Friday, September 25, 2009

One screen or two and take your tablet.

Now Ive been a tablet PC user for a while a Ipod touch fan as well so this touch sensitive screen I reckon is an interesting thing.

Now the OLPC XO is going to have two screen one working as a virtual keyboard

 The Nitendo DS has two as well

The talked of Apple tablet didnt arrived in Septmber now Microsoft has this interesting device in development supposedly called the Microsoft Courier  . Now it looks very nice it also looks like a book tablet meet e book reader interesting development.

 see details on gizmo such as they are

embedding documents on mobile pages

Couple of tools to mention Zoho Viewer and a recently launched functionality from google  embeddable document viewer link here

Another product is embedded it

works with pdf and PPT files .

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Richard Millwood a short history offline

Ok this is a becta related post but Richard is a mate . Its a really nicely written well informed piece of history of tech especially edtech  You must read it. Richard has influenced me a lot in the short time i've known him so go on download and read it. More detail below followed by link.

Richard Millwood has produced a thorough history of the developments of hardware from the teletype to the smartphone and of software from punched card input to LOGO to cloud computing. Graphic displays, office productivity tools, interactive multimedia and social networking are considered in the context of the educational imperatives of the time and the development of communication and creativity among learners in each decade since the 1970s. The article looks at the implications of the way that technologies and pedagogies have interacted in the past to focus ideas for the educational technology of the future.

page to down in variety of formats below

Mobile Libraries got a life far outside the Library

Working with Jon Trinder of Glasgow University of Monday was amazed to find people hadnt come across The Mobile Librairies blog possibly one of the best blogs on mobile stufff ( sorry Carlsberg and others) .

Covers loads of Mobile stuff not just library related at


This recent post on how to use twitter in your Library is a good example worth a look

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

RFID tracking of museum visitors and personalised content delivery

Interesting report found By Alistair McNaught of Techdis. Lookis at RFID in Museums context

"In this project, we explored the deployment of RFID-based technologies to observe visitors’ behaviour in a museum to record what exhibits they visit and when. This data has tremendous potential to enhance museum visits through personalizing information via dynamic interfaces, or profiling the visitor to make recommendations for future activity inside or outside the museum. The outcomes of the project demonstrate the viability of (passive) RFID technologies for museum visitor tracking and provide empirical validation of the near-human tracking accuracy of the system in two different environments. "

Screens and Pages publication by NIACE

 just received a copy of this worth a read. 
 About This Publication
This good practice book shows you how technology can be used to support and encourage reading, particularly reading for pleasure. It introduces technology such as blogs, wikis, RSS feeds and social networking sites and shows you how they can enhance and enrich reading. The book also shows you how to use this technology to make reading more accessible.

You may have seen headlines like:
"Technology – with the wealth of choices and distractions it brings – is directly responsible for the decline of traditional reading, especially among younger adults."

Our new book gives a more balanced understanding of technology and reading by explaining how you can use technology to encourage reading.

The new book will raise your awareness and increase your knowledge of how to use technology to support and encourage reading
for pleasure. 

Monday, September 21, 2009

Mike Wesch ALTC 2009 presentation

Really worth a look.

Information-rich and attention-poor

Interesting piece on abou the challenge of being iformation rich and attention poor. I use the phrase "we are the first genration in history where the ability to sort information is a as important as the information itself."

the idea of the power and finacial worth of inforamtion filters is a concept worth thinking about !

Saturday, September 19, 2009

the Awesome Highlighter >> Highlight text on web pages

Thanks to Ian Usher for sending this my way is is it just me or is this highling tool and ulr shortnening tool for web pages brilliant  this is a section of my blog highlighted using the tool

its got send to twitter and firefox bookmarklet one to watch .

Thanks Ian

Friday, September 18, 2009

Social Media in plain English Common craft strike again

Simple short but breathtakingly effective, Commoncraft video explainng social media in plain English

Social Media New revolution or marketing hype

Is social media a fad? Or is it the biggest shift since the Industrial Revolution? Welcome to the World of Socialnomics . Thanks to bob Harrison for the link . Video is a medium that is increaingly dominating the internet .

Social Media Revolution

whats your view ?

HHL09 just over 2 weeks to go

Have you booked yet  the programme is absaloutely rammed and worth having a good pick over the programme.

So book your place now and spend sometime planning your visit . Plus dont forget to vote for the awards finalists to b awrded at the awards party at the end of the first "festival day" (the first day is free). I wont pick out my favpourites in the nominees list because they are all hero's of the handheld learning arena just getting your phones out and vote for your favourites see onminees list HERE

go on vote and do come along !!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Children's use of mobile phone text messaging and its impact on literacy development in primary school

Report looking at text messaging and impact on literary development in primary school children

no comment but interesting findings and sensible no nonsense approach

world bank blog on ICT in education

Great to see this and sort of amazed i shouldnt
if your interested in the global picture of ICT a site worth visiting and dwelling on a while . its a blog so go on post a comment and pass the link on !

World bank study use of mobiles in Education in Developing Countires

Thanks to Richard Scullin of for this info
The Use of Mobile Phones in Education in Developing Countries

The World Bank is embarking on a new study investigating issues related to the use of mobile phones in education in developing countries.

The study is intended to help to raise awareness among key decisionmakers in the public, private and civil society sectors about the potential importance of the use of low cost mobile devices -- especially mobile phones -- to help benefit a variety of educational objectives. By documenting the existing landscape of initiatives in this area and emerging 'good practice', it is also hoped that this work will serve as a common base for further analytical work in this area, and inform the impending explosion of development of new hardware, software and business services occurring on mobile devices, to the benefit of these educational objectives.,,contentMDK:22267518~pagePK:148956~piPK:216618~theSitePK:282386,00.html

one to watch another sign of increasing rise in mobile in education on a global stage.

ipod touches in classroom setting

Thanks to Leon for the footage year group of learners using the touches in real world situations

Bandwidth Caps for Residential High- Speed Internet in the U.S. and Japan OTI report

Interesting report contrasting US and Japan in relation to broadband interesting read. It forms part of the Open Technology Initiative's continuing research to compare international broadband capabilities andpolicies, we have completed this report comparing bandwidth or usage cap policies between Internet Service Providers
(ISPs) in the United States and Japan. download report at Caps for High-Speed Internet in the U.S. and Japan.pdf

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A Kindle in every backpack publication from the US

Interesting publication from New Democratic Leadership Council.

In a section a better tool for learning has the statement :-
The most important benefit of eTextbooks is their ability to improve educational attainment. For
less money than is spent on conventional textbooks, eTextbooks, over time, could deliver a regularly
updated, interactive, and 21st-century education to our children. There are multiple reasons the technology
offers an improved educational experience.

Now thats an iteresting stement be interested to see the evidence around it but for now just saying the reports out there and worth a read .

Publication can be downloaded at

The organisations website can found at

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

something in the air , well over it

Thanks to Adrian for reminding me of this a real developers, mobile heads event. Now I cant do saturday but I could do friday if I blow a meeting out who listens to expert groups anyhow .

great event mobile madness on steroids but great event

Reshaping Learning from the Ground Up Alvin Toffler

Alvin Toffler writer with his wife  of future shock  . article has some interesting thins to say inluding shut the public education (state education in the UK) down . I am not expressing any view at all just saying the artcles worth a read

Hierarchy of digital distraction

Hierarchy of digital distraction

Brilliant work by  David McCandless, London based visual and data journalist . I loved this graphical representation of the hierarchy of digital distractions


I also loved his work on Mountains out of molehills at time line of global media scare stories

Great stuff do visit the site


Shift Happens 4.0 The digital media reconvergence remix

Karl Fisch
 shift happens video first produced in a few years ago.
This isnt hte original but is an early version

was one of the 1st ed tech related youtube video phenomena that went viral read the story at this wikki the blog related post here

Karl recently was asked to allow a version of the video called did you know 4.0 The digtial convergence remix to be produced this is the result . Love the idea or hate it still worth a look !

The future is a foreign land or is it ?? Its definitely mobile now I wonder whose been banging on about that ! If you now get it welcome to the world the mobile world!

Microsoft's goes visual plus look at aquabrowser

Interesting and important development in the search for next genration searching . Now I reckon our friends at google will come back very quickly .

Let battle comence

also have a look at aqua browser youtube video of it in use

aquabrower home page

Monday, September 14, 2009

Mobile camps in Africa , lead to new generation of mobile developers

The bar camp so popular in Europe has taken a novel twist and appeared in Africa. Mobile camps may be building the next generation of mobile programmers by helping to develop a new field of study in African higher education. Recent camps have produced tools for social development and provided educators with new skills. interesting becuase the next billion users of the internet are likely to access it through mobiles devices .

worth a look at the article.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Teachers TV ICT week

Now if your a avid viewer on digital television  or elsewhere across the web its worth noting its ICT week on teachers TV .

There is games in education,virtual worlds and a range of technologies scatterred through out the schedule.

Get Going with Google Apps In Your School

Interesting post on getting gong with Google apps in your school (other products are available !!).

Not expressing a view as always but worth a read

Also of interest is earlier post on top ten reasons to use google apps
other products are avaialbe but always good to keep upto date with developments.

saving energy

Thanks to Richard Scullin for this US example of energy saving measures in ICT in US college Library. seemingly simple stuff but with great benefit in cash and energy consumption terms . This simple graph from the report gives a strong messages .

Sawyer Power Usage 12/20/08-1/4/09
Read the report here.

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Asus To Launch EEE E-Book Reader With Two Screens

commoncraft video on twitter in plain english

New to twitter well if you want a simple no nonsense explaination of how its works look at this

Twitter in Plain English

Pico projection in Nikon camera

[Product Image] COOLPIX S1000pj
I want one of these look at the spec
  • World's first ultra-compact built-in projector*1
  • Projector stand and wireless remote control supplied
  • A variety of slideshow effects enhance the fun of the built-in projector
  • Five advanced image stabilizing features*2 include ISO 6400*3, Lens shift VR image stabilization, Electronic VR image stabilization, Motion Detection, and Best Shot Selector
  • 12.1 effective megapixels for high-resolution images
  • 5x zoom NIKKOR lens
  • 2.7-in. high-resolution LCD monitor
  • Smart Portrait System with Skin Softening
  • Scene Auto Selector provides quick, carefree picture-taking in a variety of situations
  • Subject Tracking for automatic tracking
  • Quick Retouch for the best balance of contrast and saturation
  • D-Lighting adds detail and optimizes exposure to rescue underexposed images

Power of YouTube

A shocking but powerful youtube video on dangers of texting and driving . Strong and disturbing images .

Tredegar Comprehensive School and Gwent Police (Gwent is located in south-east Wales,UK) present a half hour drama entitled 'COW' --The film that will stop you from texting and driving,"

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Mike Wesch prsenting at ALTC

earlier today had pleasure of see Mike Wesch deliver keynote at ALTC in manchester

Mikes bio is

presentation isnt yet live but earlier one prsented to presented at the Personal Democracy Forum

Monday, September 07, 2009

The Moral Economy of the Mobile Phone in Sub Saharan Africa

Thanks to Richard for this report .A study of how the mobile phone is incorporated into relations between husbands and wives, children and parents, peers, and neighbors in Uganda and Ghana. This project looks at the mobile phone as a gift, as a device for transferring money, and as a shared community resource. How are the benefits of mobile phone access distributed according to a cultural logic of rights and responsibilities?

Interesting to contrast with behaviours actvity around mobile phones in other parts of the world.

Sunday, September 06, 2009

Recruitment for the National Teacher Research Panel

No comment but for information.

The National Teacher Research Panel is an independent group of practising teachers and tutors who work to:
• Ensure that all research in education takes account of the teacher and tutor perspective;
• Ensure a higher profile for research and evidence informed practice in government, academic and practitioner communities; and
• Increase the number of teachers and tutors engaged in and with the full spectrum of research activity.

The Panel is sponsored by the Department for Children, Schools and Families, the Learning and Skills Improvement Service, the General Teaching Council for England, and the National College for School Leadership. For more information about the panel please visit:

The National Teacher Research Panel is holding an open recruitment round during the autumn term, with interviews being held on 15th October 2009 in London. Applications are invited from practitioners in all phases of education including the learning and skill sector, with experience of engaging in and with research and who would like to join this prestigious and influential group.

Being a member of the National Teacher Research Panel is demanding, but it is interesting too, and practitioners gain access to truly exceptional professional development during their membership, as well as contributing to national research and development projects.

The 5th Plymouth e-Learning Conference Learning without limits

Loads of Notice 8-9 April 2010 absaloutely great event organised in part by that powerhouse Steve Wheeler . Titled learning without limits worth a look

Friday, September 04, 2009

Teachmeet the legend continues

Great piece on teachmeet by Margaret Vass

The best CPD in the world I know people who have attended who have never been the same since . Next one is at the Scottish Learning festival on 23rd September

To say they are just great is like saying the internet might amount to something !!!

HandHeld Learning 2009

Well I am attending and if your interested in this area can I suggest it would be a good idea you do to

look at the event home page here

View the jam packed programme here

Go on have a look

Molenet Phase one report "the impact of mobile Learning published"

Publication definitely worth a read if your interested in mobile field. Well worth a read

Phase one of MoLeNET (2007/08) involved 75 colleges and 18 schools, approximately 10,000 learners and 2,000 staff, in 32mobile learning projects. The Learning and Skills Council provided funding for handheld technologies and supporting infrastructure. The LSN MoLeNET Support programme provided advice and guidance; systems and materials; face-to-face, on-line and on-site training and continuing professional development; on-line support including peer-to-peer support and knowledge and resource sharing. LSN research, and LSN supported practitioner-led action research, explored the impact of introducing mobile learning on learner retention and achievement, teaching and learning, learner experiences and participating institutions. The findings of the research are described in this publication.

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Learning online two reports to read

US goverment report Evaluation of Evidence-Based Practices in Online Learning A Meta-Analysis and Review of Online Learning Studies

A hard read but one worth looking at.  .

But also can I highly recomnend you read the work with Models of innovation in learning online report commissioned by Becta And prduced By DR Cathy Lewin and Dr Nicola Whitton of MMU the report can be downloaded here executive summary
and Full report here

compare contrast but draw your own conclusions.

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Handheld learning award nominations

Have a look well deserved nominations,com_smf/Itemid,58/topic,1611.0


Interesting device for those of you doing that mobile thing . A mobile wireless access point !Insert a sim (I assume and off you go ) for up to five devices.