Just reflecting on the inspring Plymouth e-learning conference . I was a active participant 3 planned session on looking at gadgets and Gizmo's and extra added one to fill a gap on day three .
the additional session was a chance to show the work @Geoffstead and I delivered last week at mobile conference in Bremen Mobile learning isn’t one flavour or one approach it’s a whole grocery store. It was a bit on the fly but participants seemed to get value from it.
I also did a lovely panel with Shelley Terrell, John Davitt and Peter Yeoman . great event high points John Davitts and Stephen Heppell's keynote but also great work by the like of @simfin (aka Simon Finch).But what really struck the back channel was at times the front channel and vice a versa and this is the first event when I have seen this occur. Exceptional conference and exceptional networking be definitely back next year with the failure confessional slot care to join me