Glastonbury Breaks Mobile Data Records
Mobile data at Glastonbury its now an amplied augmented festival pardon the pun .
Welcome to Andy's first blog what's this blog going to cover Tech for Good, Outdoor stuff and challenge Adventure and some fun stuff you didn't know about me. Why Andy's Black Hole? Well it was going to be called Andy's Ramblings from edge but Katrina Lambert came up with a better suggestion. What’s it for? A place Andy can dump all the things he come across that might be useful to those people living the dream of #Justdoinggood
Mobile data at Glastonbury its now an amplied augmented festival pardon the pun .
Posted by andy black at 11:37 am 18 comments
Interested in implementing strategies in education realiting to emerging technology and trends. From COSN New Media Consortium this is a good place to start
follow up up to report of K12 released earlier in the year
Posted by andy black at 11:32 am 4 comments