Monday, October 30, 2006

ICT terms British Sign Language Glossary

 Site live 31st october mid day ish !!!

As some of
you know I put forward while seconded to DfES last year the idea of a glossary
of ICT terms in British Sign Language The site has involved the British
Computer Society Allowing there book of terms to be used as a basis for the
text and huge project involving consensus modeling of asking those tutors
working with learners how to sign complex and new terms. The company involved
with the work with the deaf community are our friends from Directlearn Judith
mole and Geoff Minshull (who have helped Becta run previous online conferences
and independently ran the VLE2 virtual conference last week.  The site goes live tomorrow Halloween Mid
morning an auspicious day because it’s also my wife’s fortieth Birthday. Url
for the site is


circulate widely as it is a useful resource for those who want text based
definitions of ICT terms. A lovely example of appropriate use of technology!!


I will circulate
more formal press release type stuff later.




Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Mlearn2006 onto Mlearn2007

Well this link maybe useful if your saving your pennies to attend Mlearn2007 in Melbourn Australia.

Frist the dates 16th to 19th October . Met someone the organsing committee at Mlearn2006 in Banff and it going to be great !!! web link at

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Uses of Mind Mapping in FE & HE Education! wikki

Got togive this a huge heads up if your a sceptic a convert or agnostic to MindMapping this site is really worth a look.
It was started by Dave Foord E-Learning Staff Development Co-ordinator University of Derby who is a real expert on Mindmapping amongst lot of other things.

Personally I am using Mindmanger to present at Mlearn to and used it in conjuction with camtasia screen caputre software for my gadget gumption presentation at the recent and highly succesful vle2 online conference arranged by geoff Minshull and Judith Mole at Directlearn

Toreturn to Mindmapping Wikki resources added by JISC Regional Support centre Scotland have really got to be applauded Hugh and the crew have pioneered the use of MindManager in the UK see his recent posting on the wikki at Mind
Mapping and Learning Sequence Creation

great stuff.

Monday, October 23, 2006

M learning for work based apprentices in baking trades Selena Chan New Zealand

A real gem of a presentation on looking at using M-learning and mobile portfolios prsentation to follow but link to Selena blog at


Scybe is this to good to be true not available yet but watch the video clip .
Scrybe - the online productivity suite I'm dying to try - Download Squad

The next Supporting Deaf People online conference will take place from 6th - 9th of November 2006.

Still at Mlearn 2006 but another interesting event in cyberspace .

A really interesting event that might be of interest to those working with Deaf people.
The Supporting Deaf People online conferences are aimed at Deaf people, interpreters, CSWs, teachers of the deaf, lecturers for deaf people, deaf studies or interpreting students, anyone who works with or has an interest in deaf people. This is the fourth in the series of highly successful conferences, and the 2006 conference promises the same level of cutting edge, high quality debate. For more information, see:

update from Mlearn 2006

after a unplanned but excellent day helping Jo Colley of Tribal CTAD on authoring mobile learning materials by tutors see a overview of the stuff they are doing !!

The Mary Lou Jespen number two of the one child per laptop did a excellent key note Chief Technology Officer One Laptop per Child will link
have a look designing a device from bottom up !

Friday, October 20, 2006

Mlearn2006 update

Well if you coming its still chilly fleece gloves hat and Jackets weather bringing your bathing suit the hot natural pools are great !!

If your not here is a link to the final programme here

Off for breakfast

Thursday, October 19, 2006

In Banff and its cold

Well got here 12.30 Canadian yesterday and seetle in Y mountain lodge functional fun simple accomodation with wifi $12 for 24 hours ( under £6) 0r 300 minutes for $20 (under £10) over any period. Its a bit chilly Banff is typical north american town or new zealand but very stunning scenery around. Not quite northern exposures photos at
cuurently up running a online conference session for Direct learns VLE2 conference 2.34 am here in Banff

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Wi fi on way to Mlearn

well all I have to say calgary airport dinosaur models and free wifi next to the banff airporter desk

Blog going international Mlearn2006 Banff in Alberta Canada

Sitting here at at 3.50 am after overnighting on a very comfortable Gatwick airport bench. I am remnided from the line from the Blues Brother "It's 106 miles to Chicago, we've got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark, and we're wearing sunglasses" I seem to remember next line was hit it!!!

or is it we are on Mlearning "Mission from god".

Lucky enough to be going to Mlearn2006 in Banff In Alberta Canada about to embark on the 10 hour flight going to blog the experience so come along from the ride.

Next blog will be from Alberta airport which free WiFi so I am told.

Fellow Mlearners from the UK will be arriving Bob Harrison, Jo Colley (CTAD) Dave Whyley (learning to go) and John Cook (London Metropolitan University) its going to be great and I suspect challenging to blog !!

Monday, October 16, 2006

make your own playstation psp resources

Geoff stead at CTAD has got to have the bigs heads up for this stunning bit of work.

The ability to produce your own content for Portable Play Sation (PSP) is just so so cool .

Visit his his blog bookmark it , put it on your public bloglines

PSP think

  • reasonably priced,
  • Long battery Life
  • Bright Screen
  • Relatively big screen
  • SO so Cooool !!!
Well done Geoff !!!

Sunday, October 15, 2006


Thursday, October 12, 2006

Handheld learning 2006 the legend continues

From its humble ecletic begining last year at goldsmiths university it has grown to an event at prestigious 2 day event at QE2 confrence centre in the heart of Westminster .

Really great programme going to be doing a lot of blogging on the topic of M learning .

I also have to tell you first bit of excitement Geoff (Mr Mobile) Stead of Cambridge Training and Development who make the successful build it yourself mobile learing resource authoring tool to produce resource for the awesome Sony PSP as well as pocket pc it does currently. Link to story on Geoff Blog below and link to Geoff Influential blog on mobile learing in my link bar on the left.

see you at handheld !!

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Back to school with a class of Web 2 article

This is a really interesting collection of tolls relating loosely to web two and learners but actually is just a lovely college of stuff some of which is new . Be afraid be very afraid

two part article thanks to Rob and Digg for giving me the pinter here .

Article 1

Article 2

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Google launch Literacy

Google are busy another launch today.

A resource for teachers, literacy organisations and
anyone interested in reading and education, created in collaboration with
LitCam, Google, and UNESCO's Institute for Lifelong Learning.

The partners are as interesting as the project


Monday, October 02, 2006

Online VLE conference

VLEs: Pedagogy and Implementation, the theory
and practice of learning platforms and virtual learning environments

Only two weeks to go this really is a complete bargain and guilt free carbon neutral. Anybody who is anybody around learning platforms is presenting Martin D ( Mr Moddle) to name just one . Only £68 with no travel !! Its going to be great going on sign up.