Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Uses of Mind Mapping in FE & HE Education! wikki

Got togive this a huge heads up if your a sceptic a convert or agnostic to MindMapping this site is really worth a look. http://mindmapping.pbwiki.com
It was started by Dave Foord E-Learning Staff Development Co-ordinator University of Derby who is a real expert on Mindmapping amongst lot of other things.

Personally I am using Mindmanger to present at Mlearn to and used it in conjuction with camtasia screen caputre software for my gadget gumption presentation at the recent and highly succesful vle2 online conference arranged by geoff Minshull and Judith Mole at Directlearn http://www.online-conference.net

Toreturn to Mindmapping Wikki resources added by JISC Regional Support centre Scotland have really got to be applauded Hugh and the crew have pioneered the use of MindManager in the UK see his recent posting on the wikki at Mind
Mapping and Learning Sequence Creation

great stuff.

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