Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Leonards Lows interesting reflection on Marc Prenskys presentation at Handheld2007

Now Marc Prensky's phrase describing digital natives is well known. Derek Robertson that well known researcher into gaming in education and passionate about teaching saw Marc and made some reflections on his blog


Now Leonard Low in the southern hemisphere (does cyberspace have hemispheres!) . HE has an interesting take on Marc's session have a look and of course watch the video


its worth noting other keynotes including Minister Jim Knight, Stephen Crown CEO of Becta can be found at


Sunday, October 28, 2007

Gmail does IMAP is this a wow !!

Is this another pop at exchange by Google . It does seem a major advance.
As some of you know, IMAP is the best way to access your email from
multiple devices (e.g. phone or desktop). It keeps the same information
synced across all devices so that whatever you do in one place shows up
everywhere else you might access your email.

For example, I can:
  • read an email in Gmail, then
  • move it to the "Starred" folder on my iPhone, then
  • archive it by moving it to "All Mail" in Thunderbird, then
  • see all of those changes on my Blackberry (or any of the above devices for that matter).

For the past few years, we've offered POP access, which is similar to
IMAP but lacks one critical feature: your changes made on other devices
aren't seen in Gmail when you log back in. Instead you are presented
with a list of unread mail, and you must re-read and re-sort
everything. For this reason, as soon as I started at Google, IMAP was
one of the first things I asked about. Since then, I've seen countless
blog posts, requests, chats, and just about everything else asking,
"Are you guys ever going to do IMAP?" Well now I can say: Yes. Yes, we are doing IMAP. In fact, we are doing it for you for free on all devices and platforms.


TV is Dead Channel 4

One can see from earlier posts I attended debate TV is dead at Channel 4. It used the programme TV is dead as a discussion point you can now see part of the programme on Youtube. The idea of brand or channel idents is one worth thinking about !

Mlearn2008 get the date in your diary

Hi Just back after a week off in the lakes and what a lovely post to set me off blogging again.

"2007 was the year mobile wentr mainstream with Handheld learning and Mlearn2008 both in the uK this is the year its goes "MASSIVE"!!

Please see note from John Traxler about Mlearn2008 .

Johns message reads

I'm extremely pleased that I can now announce publicly that mLearn, the world's flagship mobile learning conference, will take place in the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Ironbridge in Shropshire, England, the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution in October 2008. The conference started in Birmingham and has since taken place in London, Rome, Cape Town, Banff and Melbourne.

The aims of the conference are to bring together the world's leading mobile learning researchers, developers and activists in a environment that will stimulate dramatically increased deployment of mobile learning and catalyse dramatically enhanced innovation. The key notes will include Prof Yrjö Engerstrom and Prof Diana Laurillard

The themes are

  • mobile learning, mobile knowledge, mobile societies: covering discourse, identity, knowledge and learning with pervasive, ubiquitous, mobile technologies; social, individual and cultural aspects of mobile learning
  • devices, systems, technology and standards: convergence, diversity, frontiers, trends
  • mobile learning landscape: work-based, informal, subject-specific, context-aware, social
  • mobile learning for all: inclusion, assistivity, scalability, embedding, participation, evaluation, evidence, assessment

and for the full paper submissions, we're assembling a world-class panel including Dr Inmaculada Arnedillo-Sánchez, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland; Dr Marcelo Milrad, Växjö University, Sweden; Dr Agnes Kukulska-Hulme, Open University; Professor Roy Pea, Stanford University, USA; Professor Chee-Kit Looi, National Institute of Education, Singapore; Professor Tak-Wai Chan, National Central University of Taiwan; Professor Earl Woodruff, University of Toronto, Canada and Professor Angela McFarlane, University of Bristol, UK for double blind-reviewing. We anticipate linking with a respected journal for a special edition

The dates are: Tues 7th October for pre-conference workshops, then Wednesday 8th to Friday 10th October for the main conference. We're collaborating with Handheld Learning, Barbican Brewery, London - Monday 13th to Wednesday 15th October, giving the intervening weekend to choose London or Shropshire for sight-seeing!

As part of our registration pack, delegates will be given an ‘active’ ID badge and asked to choose one or both of the broadcast technologies available in order to allow automatic detection of the delegates throughout the conference. A benefit of this will be to record the sessions that they have attended and to automatically generate a blog as well as transmit relevant information to delegate devices. The blog can then be accessed post conference to review the individual experiences of the delegate. This technology will be carried over to the evening sessions, with the full cooperation of all venues involved.

We'll be offering the opportunity for everyone chance attend the conferences back-to-back. This has been designed by the conference committees from the outset, and a single ticket for both events will be available. The technology will allow the 'handover' of all delegates' blogs and will use similar technology at both conferences.

The conference will be endorsed and attended by all the major national e-learning bodies. The Call For Papers will go out shortly. Please get in touch if you need any extra information

Web-sites are www.mlearn2008.org and www.mlearn2008.mobi

Think about attending and presenting. Look forward to seeing everyone


John Traxler

Reader in Mobile Technology for e-Learning
Director, Learning Lab
Conference Chair, mLearn2008
School of Computing and IT
University of Wolverhampton

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Micks Vod/podcasting down under at Mlearn as easy as cracking eggs !!

Mick Mullane session at Mlearn my spies tell me went down well!

you can see why the eggs pun at :


And see all of Micks and Steves Podcasting efforts from mlearn at at


I wouldn't get him to make a omelette but as for a vodcast !! My spies tell me the table for dinner at the aquarium was wild !! If you were there leave a comment !!

More from Mick when he writes up the OE (Overseas Experience) !!!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Islay presentation "Drop the pilot" online

Ian Stuarts has made a comment to my posting on his Excellent presentation from Handheld called drop the pilot and done a really nice copy of his presentation with sound . Sorry to give you another heads up but dont want it staying hidden in my comments. Watch learn and reflect the photo's made me think of my honeymoon nearly ten years ago on Shetland . But there is nothing romantic about his pragmatic approach of doing the best for learners and the community using ICT . Keep it up Graham and keep me posted .

Its rumoured Ian's view to implementing technology in enhancing learning is "just do it "and if it isn't Ian tell me about it . http://www.stuartislay.plus.com/HHL-Presentation/index.htm

Ian has done a great posting on his blog to. His blog will be soon in my sidebar link very soon.

Mick Mullane of Yorkshire Coast College Podcasts from Mlearn2007 in Melbourne

Mick is presenting at Mlearn and bless him he is podcasting about the conference in general.

subscribe to the podcast at feed://podcast.ycoastco.ac.uk/weblog/mlearn/?flavor=rss2


great interviews although a dodgy one by me to kick it off.

Good on you Mick. Got any photo's Mick !!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

10 by 10 a different take on the news

10x10™ ('ten by ten') is an interactive exploration of the words and pictures that define the time. The result is an often moving, sometimes shocking, occasionally frivolous, but always fitting snapshot of our world. Every hour, 10x10 collects the 100 words and pictures that matter most on a global scale, and presents them as a single image, taken to encapsulate that moment in time. Over the course of days, months, and years, 10x10 leaves a trail of these hourly statements which, stitched together side by side, form a continuous patchwork tapestry of human life.

whats amazing no human intervention its like google news constructed by algorithm

see this hours results at http://www.tenbyten.org/now.html

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Mlearn2007 Australia with its own UK FE star "Mick Mullane!

16th-19th October Melbourne Australia


well this year I am not there but good friends are Mick Mullane of Yorkshire Coast college showing casing his work on Pod and vodcasting supported by SMS in a session called "From Podcast to VLE to Phoneto mLearning Device"
Author: Mr Steve Sidaway, Mick
Mullane ,.

The guru of things mobile Mike Sharples will be doing a keynote presenting a paper and being on a panel .

If you fancy putting up with time difference some of the keynotes are being streamed by illuminate live (a system that worked well at ALTC) I am going to give it a go . session details here

And full conference programme here

Derek Robertsons Blog

Hi all

Ive been following Derek and his colleagues work at the consolarium http://www.ltscotland.org.uk/ictineducation/gamesbasedlearning/index.asp
for a while i also recommend the blog site http://ltsblogs.org.uk/consolarium/

I met up with derek at Handheld Learning and he had some issues as I did with Marc Prensky's presentation a seeming pathological hatred of teachers ( well a dislike) and their role in future learning.

Derek did a posting

and an excellent debate started on his blog also you might like to look at the work of Marten Owen ex director of futurelab is his article the myth of digital natives http://www.futurelab.org.uk/resources/publications_reports_articles/web_articles/Web_Article561

Friday, October 12, 2007

One lap top per child I picked up the mesh network from a OLPC bought along by Rose Luckins colleagues to Handheld

This is a screen captutre showing my laptop picking up the mesh networking signal from a One Laptop Per Child machine bought to handheld learning by a colleague of Rose Luckins from London Knowledge lab. Cool eh !!


Mlearn 2007 16-19th October

Sadly I wont be there but Mick Mullance of Yorkshire Coast College will be and Steve Sidaway of txtools is also going they are prsenting on Micks work usuing sms integration in a Learning Platform (moodle) to inform students onf podcasts,vodcasts and general updates . Have a good one boys . Those of you not going check out Mlearn website http://www.mlearn2007.org and the video introduction on youtube

Islay blog by Ian

Ian Presented at handheld today and with a little search I have found his blog which is really great.


Ians beyond pilots presentation was great looking forward to it going up online. go on have a look at Ians blog .

Molenet Larger winners announced

This isnt pretty but its the quickest way a flickr slide show of Jill Attewells announcement slides there not in order but uploading 10mb pictures on flaky wireless network isnt easy .

Lead colleges are listed on slide below. This project was administered by Learning and Skills Network . project website is http://www.molenet.org.uk/

Flickr show of all the slides this will not display on mobile browsers sorry !!!

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

update on Primary Capitalisation Programme

Update on the government initiatives for building in primary sector


TEN project Exemplar network to boost technology for learning

if you are interested in FE and technology this is worth a read

Exemplar network to boost technology for learning

A £3.9 million initiative to accelerate learner-focused use of technology in further education was unveiled today (11 October) by Bill Rammell MP, Minister for Lifelong Learning, Further and Higher Education.

The Technology Exemplar Network programme, jointly led by government technology partner Becta and the Learning and Skills Council (LSC), is a key element of the two organisations' complementary strategies for encouraging further integration of technology for learning into the FE and skills sector.

The programme will lead to the development of a national support network by encouraging providers with a track record of successfully embedding technology into their learning and teaching to create a forum to share best practice with other providers.

To help establish the network, support and funding will be made available. Participating providers will also be eligible to receive funding to develop their use of technology for learning and to revise and implement strategies resulting from engaging with the network.

Welcoming the announcement, Bill Rammell, said, "Technology has the power to change lives. We rely on our education system to help us master it. Just as it is changing how we live, so it is changing how we learn. Many of our schools, colleges and universities already teach technology effectively and apply it innovatively in other subjects, but we want to see all leaders, teachers and trainers making full use of the potential for students and business. The work of Becta and LSC setting up the Technology Exemplar Network will enable colleges and providers to learn from each other how best to use technology to the benefit of all."

The driving force behind the establishment of the Technology Exemplar Network has been the recognition that, for colleges and training providers to plan the implementation of sustainable technologies, they need evidence of what has worked to date.

By reviewing real examples of good practice taking place elsewhere, and sharing experience, learning providers can further develop their plans for future investment and implementation of technology for learning.

Stephen Crowne, Becta's Chief Executive, said, "This new network will help the sector raise its game still further by getting the best out of technology. Becta believes that improvement comes from the front line and this development will enable us to build a systematic approach to fostering good practice and spreading it throughout the system.

"We know that there has been significant investment in technology for learning and there are tremendous examples of where it has made a huge difference. This network will ensure that these examples are made available across the country."

Mark Haysom, LSC Chief Executive, said: "Raising the sector's performance to world class standards is a headline priority for the LSC. The Technology Exemplar Network programme will empower the sector to make the best of use of technology and accelerate the pace of positive change in delivering their provision. The ability to successfully exploit technology is key to maximising the skills and productivity of the nation."

Notes for Editors:

  • Further Education colleges, work-based learning providers and adult and community learning providers will be eligible to participate in the programme.
  • Outputs and results, including case-studies of participating providers, will be made available via the QIA Excellence Gateway.
  • Providers will be invited to participate via a bidding process, which will be advertised widely from November 2007. A full launch of the network will take place in January 2008.
  • The first phase of the programme will run during the current academic year. A robust, independent, evaluation of its success in this first phase will inform the programme’s future development.
  • £3.9 million is being made available to support the first phase in 2007-08.

Learning and Skills Council:

The LSC exists to make England better skilled and more competitive. We are responsible for ensuring the availability of high-quality education and training for everyone. We have a single goal: to improve the skills of England's young people and adults to world class standards. Our vision is that young people and adults in England have knowledge and skills matching the best in the world and are part of a truly competitive workforce. We work nationally, regionally and locally to deliver this ambition on behalf of learners and employers.


Becta leads the national drive to improve learning through technology. We do this by working with industry to ensure we have the right technology for education in place. We also support the education sector to make the best use of technology so that every learner in the UK is able to benefit from its advantages and achieves the best they can.

Breaking News !!! Molenet winnners announced at Hand Held Learning this afternoon

Just received this breaking news via a SMS message from TXTtools who are providing the SMS solution to Handheld Learning 2007 . Great to get this sort of news by text

News from HHL2007: The MoLeNet Award winners will be announced today
in the Great Hall at 14.00.

This is not all the bid winners but those recieving larger sums in excess of £100,ooo.

The molenet is a £6million funding initiative for Mobile Learning in FE .

Mainstream mobile yet again

Handheld Learning Day 3

Moderating the sesion on “Science, Maths & Mobile” this morning looking forward to it !!!

Dovi Bruker, CEO, Fourier Systems

showcased some interesting work with umpc type device with ability to plug various data probes .

The device is interesting as is the software bundled with it . the device also is instant on!!

David Crellin

Thursday, October 11, 2007

EPIC Thinking October 2007

Loads of relevant articles download read it and get on the mailing list

some of the articles in it ?? really worth a read !

Web 2.0 - Where are we now?

by Ishmael Burdeau

Web 3.0 - A matter of semantics?

by John Helmer

LMS = Learning Mario-Style?

by Dominic Mason

Think about the phrase, 'Mobile learning'. Straight away, most people consider learning on their mobile phone - and its limitations. Whilst squinting at a text message isn't exactly what is being proposed - consider the capabilities of Windows Mobile 6.0; bigger and brighter screens, and mobile Instant Messaging - it's probably what most people immediately think of as the mobile experience.

some great articles blogging while at Handheld Learning

Afternoon day two Handheld learning Emerging pedagogy's

really great session

Kevin Walker London Knowledge lab
Hilary Smith Sussex University

looking at model of mixed device and mixed methods of contacts online on-phone at distance. Looking at ecologicial model of pedagogy
work on e-science and usability with a range of devices

refection on pedagogy
ecology of resources spread around in time and space and intelligent (distributed) systems
focus on activities and structures
works on a basis on how you structure the activities not the technology .

  • idea of trails scripts role and context and construction(ism)
  • technology as a mediator
  • activites not outcomes
  • special attention language and conversation
  • technology can help
    • caputure products of learning
    • caputring contextual information
Jocelyn Wishart
"C"s (seize) the moment engaging with theory and pedagogy of m-learning

Looking at this from learners perspective. Mobile devices

nobody is threatened by small device
mobile devices allow learners to be in control of what there goals

enthused power of package sketchy as animation tool to help learning.
teachers use jotting feature in PDA's

Conversational learning

device as communicational channel discussion around recorded collected stored information . outlined work of the CTL at London Met (john cook and team)

Challenge,Curisoity and Complexity
runers work on teh will to learn consists of:
  • curiosity and
  • the drive to achieve competence
talked of experience of engaging software with learners using wild key,sumsonline and sketchy .

PDA's evoke more confidence than large monolithic static devices.
talked of work with older nurses and young learners

Mobile devices power in collecting field data . placing learning in the context it was learnt

either via device or the device is small enough not to interfere with debate

- building concepts into software activities
- answer not clear cut developed by researchers from different backgrounds a web network great diagram


does Jocelyns model need a
  • r "reflection"
  • p "predicting"
Karin Andersson of Malmo University and Dale Hinch of Edexcel
Augmenting pen and paper to support creative collaboration in education

looking at digital pens and papers and novel display techniques

case studeis

musseums activty sheets
Augmented text book by pearson

also involved with goldsmiths e-scape project
escape use of paper activity and rapid prototyping in design and technolgy .
making it possible to
  • genrate ideas
  • develop ideas
  • prove ideas
approach used in two phases
  • during project exam
  • during build up work.
Paper works
looked at using digital pen instead of the pda doodling drawing planning on a paper but results being stored and date stamped electronically

John Traxler society education technology and learning heading towards 2012
talk of convergence and divergence of device / most successful devices PSP ipod are specialsed.
Miniaturisation leading to very small specialized devices
embedding ie internet fridges

talked of flashmobs

technology maybe important and moving but changes in society are impacting on teaching and learning as well as mobile device .

talked of citizen journlistss around july 7th bombing

also talked of sociability of mobile device and how it is changing communication . talked of literature perpetual content (google this) .

Context awareness tracking children by sms and mobile phone serive
RFID tagging locating pets or prisoners.

Conservation and dialogue changing due to mobile technologies

Changes to knowledge
  • easy and convenient
    • chunked structured differently
    • consumed differently
  • Anywhere/anytime
  • justin time/just for me
finished with tom browns work ex pretoria university looked at e-learning versus m-learning

Mark Van Hooft
Ubiquitous computing in education, creating 21st Century Learners

looking at the conflicts and tensions with rise of mobile device and hows they conflict with current educational practice
  • collaboration
  • learning in context
  • mobile technologies also on the person
mentioned skill of learners to focus impact of using technolgy
learning in an upredicable contexts

finally "do or do not,there is no try." the impact of small projects rather than large scale bigger pcture.
how education can change in systematic ways to help equip learners for the future.

google reference by henry jenkins

Bob Harrison

did his excellent non navel gazing approach the role of mobile technologies in delivering the personalisation agenda .

the balanced look at the challenges that policy makers must address issues that the technology advances bring into everyday life and every school and every home.

Patt Gibbs Marie Jourbet Gibbs brsitol university the graduate school of education
seeing the the detail a up close view of learning using personal dvices.

look at how the impact on learners of mobile projects in Wolverhampton and Bristol .

  • What happened to teachers learners when devices entered there lives
  • making sense complex story
  • are we seeing a pedagogic shift
looking a school visit using wildkey software on a Bristol school field trip to forest of dean . Really interesting video clips with researcher teasing out what learners are doing while identifying mini beast . interesting reflection on how teachers can help learners scaffold the learning with materials or collected evidence on the device.

Second video telling or retelling a story using PDA using sketchy and pocket word in Wolverhampton school . role of teacher highlighted,differing approaches

Third video secondary in science how learners tries unsuccesfully to use a pda to sketch a graph using pocket excel . shows frustration of learner struggling to do a task not suitable for PDA .
  • Learner didn't understand sketch graph
  • poor understanding of software
  • role of small screen not visable to teachers
  • learner autonomy on small device difficult for teacher intervention.
Fourth video on speaking and listening or several lessons . using video of pupils peer preformance
brought out
  • purpose for using device
  • mobility
  • 1:1
  • tapping into the potential of the device

  • context constraints
  • exploiting device potential
  • shoehorning learning into technlogy maybe not the correct approach
  • what is technology adding
  • implications forCPD for teachers
practitioner talked about
  • multi modality of approaches device support
  • changing role of teacher
  • role of CPD

Handheld learning day two the keynotes

In the keynote Doug Brown did and excellent opening and Jim Knight Schools minister gave a overview of the exciting times for education and ICT . He made the killer comment about its not about the device. Question does tech savvy Jim read my blog. Great showcase of video of handhelds in the wild in Wolverhampton. Also great ot see Jim responding to questions from the audience by txt. This service was supplied by txttools

Handheld 2007 3 Day two

Up very early getting ready for the day . The first day of Handheld 2007 proper a morning of key notes and an afternoon in which I am moderating a great session on emerging pedagogy .

Some great presenters in this session

Bob Harrison
Joceyyn Wisehart
John Traxler
Mark Van Hooft

really looking forward to the debate. Bring it on !!!!

Handheld 2007 2

Attended the Kaleidoscope special intrest group some great work mentioned by presenters in the update section including a plug for Molenet . The one I want to look up is project bluetooth from colleagues at Wolverhampton university . I've asked for the slides and will update you via a later blog posting

Interesting discussion on the future of the sig which I suggest you engage with .

Orange free sim cards

interesting offer especially those of you tipping your toe in the mobile learning torrent .

see offer at http://shop.orange.co.uk/shop/freesimcard?WT.mc_id=ConFreGeAdd_0978

Powered by ScribeFire.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Handheld Learning 2007 the Photostream

You maybe at the event or maybe not now see the pictures excuse the quality just put up so you get a feel for the event . I will add to this throughout the event unusually I am using my Canon EOS 400 10Megapixel camera so wild be uploading to flickr via WiFi rather than hammering my 3 g card

Handheld Learning is go

Well its here and the bad news is the seminar on the Molenet project has been withdrawn by LSN team at short notice .

The great news is by serendipity is that I have been asked to chair the pre conference session on Mobile Applications because sponsor jujitsu Siemens haven't turned :

Maths Amigo by Kate Hudson of Valiant Technology
Great approach that according to Kate and the american government is making a real difference with learners.

Wildkey using handheld GPS for data collection and field trips.

first time I've seen this approach demonstrated and frankly I was impressed !! Back to my green environment routes. The integration of gps,User Collected Content (a new phrase ?)and teacher designed activity. The idea of using the authoring tool to design content in other areas outside education maybe training sector was new to me and I am going to investigate further.

Sums Online by Dave Mcall designing handheld games that motivate learners and satisfy teachers.
Seems to be a really learner orientated product that learners love and teachers understand and can work with is great !!

Hebron Mc Neish demonstrating Red Halo

First time I have see Red Halo demostrated and Hebron showed the product well and I loved the way he showed how you can access the product using a range of devices, Devices such as a Nintendo DS, UMPC and Nintendo DS and a Wii

Dewe Llyods showing the tool synchronise.
First time I have seen a live demo . Again a very brave and successful presentation with a vast range of devices in the audience six at my counting. The ability for learners to interact with teachers and each other via synchronise and their device.


TV is Dead channel 4

Alice Taylor commisionig new media chaneel 4
Stuart Prebble managing director liberty bell
Andrew Chitty managing director Illumina digital
simon Sadhu president co founder imperial entrepreneurs

Channel 4 hosting the idea that DV is dead . working on the principal that the rise of new media is challenging TV. Current TV is allowing user to generate there own content and getting viewers online the chance to rate the quality of clips the most popular clips get bought and shown on sky and virgin . in 12 million homes.

Also looking at concept of aggregator sites with targeted advertising narrow step is an agregator

also mentioned the idea of TV and computers merging google tv is it coming . The lean back which is watching on tv rather than lean forward watching on computer .

choice may be a killer so trusted brands maybe act as a filter to cut the Cr^p,

The idea is total number of viewers will remin the same but but will shift in time and be an overall community but one seperatated by time and space

world war craft famlies dropped from 27 hours to 7 hours and people play 21hours on world of warcraft .

Andrew Chitty talked loads of sense as usual . suggesting that young people arent neccesarily the biggest users of broadband . older people are more people online. He expounded the of pubic publishers rather than public broadcasting ..

In the Q & A one of the young people talked about online and TV combining to give a 360 experience

Powered by ScribeFire.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Four places in one day

No its not the latest single by crowded house.

its my schedule tomorrow.
Location 1 Immrasat Centre reviewing Molenet bids
Location 2 Central Halls Westminster Your Voice Counts: Ministry of Justice Youth Conference with the excellent Tim Ritches of Radio Waves
Location 3 New Hollands publishers Edgeware Road picking up review copy of taking pictures with your camera Phone
Location 4 Channel 4 Horseferry Road for TV is dead event . Hosted by the facebook Maestro of Steve Moore of Policy Unplugged on behalf of channel 4

Looking forward to the day and its the day before that Mobi fest of the year Handheld learning .

Great week Bring It On!!!

Saturday, October 06, 2007

British Sign Language on the IPOD Touch

Excuse the awful picture video quality . This post shows how I have taken two or three BSL sign off the QIA site http://www.slcresources4ict.net/index.php

I have downloaded them as quicktime clips loaded them into i-tunes converted them in I-tunes for the ipod video format and synched them with the ipod touch
Image one shows three signs on the device . Image shows two shows of signs mid display

and the movie shows whole operation

excuse the quality but respect the concept. The signs are free to download so how about we get permission to do an i-tunes store it migh look something like this !!

Would you like WiFi with your Big Mac

The Guardian has a great "M" story that Mc Donalds is going to offer free WiFi at its outlets. The plan is hotspots that are FREE at most of its 1200 restaurants .

http://wwPublish Postw.guardian.co.uk/technology/2007/oct/06/internet?gusrc=rss&feed=11

This is another addition to the current of mobile becoming mainstream. Will you be using the service ??

Friday, October 05, 2007

Why Dont YOU !! The Cubie !!!

Why Dont You !!
As some of you know I am gigging at Futurelabs forthcoming conference "Why Dont You!" 30-31 October at immarasat Conference centre in London http://www.futurelab.org.uk/events/listing/why_dont_you

Doing a workshop called

BLOG OFF: these Web 2.0 tools will never make it into the learner

Much has been made of learners being
so deeply embroiled in technology that they see it as commonplace, neutral and
invisible. We call it ‘Web 2.0’, they use it without thinking. Teachers are
failing to keep pace with awareness of this technology, never mind incorporating
it into their practice. This workshop involves a rapid tour of some Web 2.0
tools that are already used by learners, and examines issues such as the
barriers to teaching staff deploying these tools to support learning. The
session also gives participants a chance to create artefacts.

But what's really cool as part of the marketing they have sent out a assemble yourself cube with the programme on it

Well my children loved it see the flickr slideshow below or the link to the splashr one below it


BTW isnt splashr cool find out more at www.splashr.com

I when in the office saw at least four cube around the office . Whats really cool is Dan Sutch "Crusader of the creative side" of Futurelab is going to run a competition getting people to email in photos of where they put their cubes.
Could this be the rubics cube of 2007 who knows but watch out for the competition.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

TerraNet - a mesh network based on mobile phones

Seb Schmollers influential fortnightly mailing turned up another gem on my favourite connectivity topic that of mesh connectivity or piggy back wireless how I often describe it to "Normal" people!!!


signs up to Sebs mailing using the link in the side bar If you havent done so already ( if not why not !!)

Redundant gadgets - tech & gadgets

A fun look at gadgets that have been and gone. Thanks to Peter Wain for this

Redundant gadgets - tech & gadgets