really great session
Kevin Walker London Knowledge lab
Hilary Smith Sussex University
looking at model of mixed device and mixed methods of contacts online on-phone at distance. Looking at ecologicial model of pedagogy
work on e-science and usability with a range of devices
refection on pedagogy
ecology of resources spread around in time and space and intelligent (distributed) systems
focus on activities and structures
works on a basis on how you structure the activities not the technology .
- idea of trails scripts role and context and construction(ism)
- technology as a mediator
- activites not outcomes
- special attention language and conversation
- technology can help
- caputure products of learning
- caputring contextual information
Jocelyn Wishart
"C"s (seize) the moment engaging with theory and pedagogy of m-learning
Looking at this from learners perspective. Mobile devices
Control nobody is threatened by small device
mobile devices allow learners to be in control of what there goals
enthused power of package sketchy as animation tool to help learning.
teachers use jotting feature in PDA's
Conversational learning
device as communicational channel discussion around recorded collected stored information . outlined work of the CTL at London Met (john cook and team)
Challenge,Curisoity and Complexity
Bruners work on teh will to learn consists of:
- curiosity and
- the drive to achieve competence
talked of experience of engaging software with learners using wild key,sumsonline and sketchy .
PDA's evoke more confidence than large monolithic static devices.
talked of work with older nurses and young learners
ContextMobile devices power in collecting field data . placing learning in the context it was learnt
either via device or the device is small enough not to interfere with debate
- building concepts into software activities
- answer not clear cut developed by researchers from different backgrounds a web network great diagram
questionsdoes Jocelyns model need a
- r "reflection"
- p "predicting"
Karin Andersson of Malmo University and Dale Hinch of Edexcel
Augmenting pen and paper to support creative collaboration in education
looking at digital pens and papers and novel display techniques
case studeis
musseums activty sheets
Augmented text book by pearson
also involved with goldsmiths e-scape project
escape use of paper activity and rapid prototyping in design and technolgy .
making it possible to
- genrate ideas
- develop ideas
- prove ideas
approach used in two phases
- during project exam
- during build up work.
Paper works
looked at using digital pen instead of the pda doodling drawing planning on a paper but results being stored and date stamped electronically
John Traxler society education technology and learning heading towards 2012
talk of c
onvergence and divergence of device / most successful devices PSP ipod are specialsed.
Miniaturisation leading to very small specialized devices
embedding ie internet fridges
talked of flashmobs
technology maybe important and moving but changes in society are impacting on teaching and learning as well as mobile device .
talked of citizen journlistss around july 7th bombing
also talked of
sociability of mobile device and how it is changing communication . talked of literature perpetual content (google this) .
Context awareness tracking children by sms and mobile phone serive
RFID tagging locating pets or prisoners.
Conservation and dialogue changing due to mobile technologies
Changes to knowledge
- easy and convenient
- chunked structured differently
- consumed differently
- Anywhere/anytime
- justin time/just for me
finished with tom browns work ex pretoria university looked at e-learning versus m-learning
Mark Van Hooft
Ubiquitous computing in education, creating 21st Century Learners
looking at the conflicts and tensions with rise of mobile device and hows they conflict with current educational practice
- collaboration
- learning in context
- mobile technologies also on the person
mentioned skill of learners to focus impact of using technolgy
learning in an upredicable contexts
finally "do or do not,there is no try." the impact of small projects rather than large scale bigger pcture.
how education can change in systematic ways to help equip learners for the future.
google reference by henry jenkins
Bob Harrison
did his excellent non navel gazing approach the role of mobile technologies in delivering the personalisation agenda .
the balanced look at the challenges that policy makers must address issues that the technology advances bring into everyday life and every school and every home.
Patt Gibbs Marie Jourbet Gibbs brsitol university the graduate school of education
seeing the the detail a up close view of learning using personal dvices.
look at how the impact on learners of mobile projects in Wolverhampton and Bristol .
- What happened to teachers learners when devices entered there lives
- making sense complex story
- are we seeing a pedagogic shift
looking a school visit using wildkey software on a Bristol school field trip to forest of dean . Really interesting video clips with researcher teasing out what learners are doing while identifying mini beast . interesting reflection on how teachers can help learners scaffold the learning with materials or collected evidence on the device.
Second video telling or retelling a story using PDA using sketchy and pocket word in Wolverhampton school . role of teacher highlighted,differing approaches
Third video secondary in science how learners tries unsuccesfully to use a pda to sketch a graph using pocket excel . shows frustration of learner struggling to do a task not suitable for PDA .
- Learner didn't understand sketch graph
- poor understanding of software
- role of small screen not visable to teachers
- learner autonomy on small device difficult for teacher intervention.
Fourth video on speaking and listening or several lessons . using video of pupils peer preformance
brought out
- purpose for using device
- mobility
- 1:1
- tapping into the potential of the device
conclusion- context constraints
- exploiting device potential
- shoehorning learning into technlogy maybe not the correct approach
- what is technology adding
- implications forCPD for teachers
practitioner talked about
- multi modality of approaches device support
- changing role of teacher
- role of CPD