Thursday, July 31, 2008

Twofour learning blog

I don't usually comment on companies but had this blog pointed out to me . Doing interesting stuff for a range of clients and range of platforms technologies and keeping a focus on what is good for learners,learning . They also seem to be willing to share and discuss it which is no bad thing .

As always no endorsement just personally found it interesting.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Web survey for Committee of Inquiry into the Changing Learner Experience - Survey of use of Web 2.0 technologies in teaching, learning, support and administration

Tom Franklin of Franklin Consulting

is undertaking an international study of the use of Web 2.0 technologies in teaching, learning, support and administration. As part of this study we are collecting evidence, in the form of case studies, of the use of Web 2.0 in higher education in the United Kingdom, Australia, The United States of America, South Africa and the Netherlands.

If you have been using Web 2.0 in your practice he would be very grateful if you would complete the survey, which can be found at or .

Completing the survey should take around 20 - 30 minutes, and if you leave your email address we will send you the draft report for comment and final report.

Please feel free to forward to all interested parties

If you have any questions please contact Tom via his website .

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Location Location Location

This is the outputs from an interesting event on Location Based Services at the National Physics laboratory as part of the DIUS funded (formerly DTI) Knowledge Transfer Networks . This KTN of Location and timing is close to my heart

Friday, July 18, 2008

E learning guild 360 report on mobile learning

going to look at this over the weekend. Interesting to see what those over the Atlantic think.


What it is, why it matters, and how to incorporate it into your learning strategy

by Steve Wexler, Judy Brown, David Metcalf, David Rogers, and Ellen Wagner

also doing free webinar 8.30 -9.30 Pacific time check your time difference might be worth a listen details and register here

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Unsung hero's of mobile learning

Some of you may follow the Handheld learning forum BTW only few days remaininig of early bird discount for the October conference and that free Nintendo DS.

The site has been running a series of interviews on hero educators including great colleagues in the mobile learning field like Derek Robertson
and Mike Sharples .

I have a new category to suggest Unsung hero's of mobile learning. I.e those working in the frontline teaching young and not so young people .

Can I embarrasss two of them by naming them Colin Bell and Mick Mullane of Yorkshire Coast College . Mick is well known in the technical area of mobile and Colin is a frontline practitioners working in the field of podcasting vodcasting with a range of engineering motor vehicle learners . Ive been moving my practice with my ipod touch up a gear and wanted to present from it . Problem two sets of cables you can buy. Rang Apple support sadly not there usual Apple savvy selves. Then rang Mick who put me onto Colin and sorted the problem in fact Colin Bless him provided online support by SMS when setting up .
Whays even funnier is I actually sourced cables from my local Argos .

Andys thought for the day is technology well on the way to being
mainstream when it appears in Argos and fully embedded when it appears
at Sainsbury's Tesco !!!

Colin and Mick Step up to the podium unsung hero's of mobile learning !!!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

John Daviit the Iphone and Baking what an eclectic post

Having seen John Davitt
demonstrate how he has scanned six years of passport sized note books on to his Iphone earlier in the week. This morning I had another revelation when looking for recipe for pancakes. House re build gong on cook books packed away house asleep need i say more. I was brought up with bero cook book
it is now avaiable partially on-line now John I might get that Iphone scan my favourite recipes
when the rush dies down !!!

By the way great pancakes !!!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Mike Short the serial dating phenomena is recognised

Excuse the blog posting title and personal nature of this post . Mike Short a man that makes my skills of making connections to people and events look decidely shabby has been recognised by Staffordshire University with honorary doctorate. Well done Mike

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Times article How the Google generation thinks differently

Thanks to Bob for pointing this article out . Have a read do you agree or disagree let me know ? post a comment .

Alan November goes all Northern European

Well North American based Alan November viewed by many as a guru as regards e-learning holds his own conference this summer and the Keynotes are both European .

John Davitt
Ewan Mcintosh

both legends in their own lunch time or is it lunchbox

check the keynotes out at

Good stuff great speakers and thinkers and importantly doer's !!

Friday, July 04, 2008

Google Gears for Mobile ??

was just thinking of this as an idea last week and then came invite to next Mobile Mondays London Chapter meeting 14th July . Guess what one of the presentation tiles was

Google Gears Mobile - Charles Wiles

looking forward to it already

Local zone from vodafone

Ok its vodafone New Zeland but this seems an interesting development wonder if they will introduce it here.