Tuesday, December 29, 2009

thoughts for 2010 first of many !!

Well 2010 will certainly be interesting . The past years comment of the future being mobile have been passed Likewise with social media. If you haven't noticed the Developed Countries are already there and to be honest the developing countries are mobilising faster than the developed ones .

Predictions comments for 2010 Things will be:

  • Embedded. Connectivity via wifi or via the humble sim card will become the norm in sat navs, digital photoframes and importantly TV's.
  • Whats Television the fragmentation on what is television will continue ,
  • Transferable media will be transferable via WiFi ,Near Field Communication (NFC) in its various flavours Jet stream transferring data over very short distances at 530Mbsec  is one that appears in well known brands of laptops and TVs.
  • HTML 5 wil appear giving much of the offline functionally of google gears and the like ( google think so they have stopped developing gears).
  • Ambient this is a wierd one wearable, Context and location aware .
  • Integrated technology will not only as now appear in the home but me much more widely integrated
  • Green a difficult one but manufacturers have got get real and they are. power management, kit life has got be extended.

The big developments will be in a few words

  • Battery Technology
  • Wireless charging
And as for the Cloud that's worth a longer post

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Dual mode daylight readable displays

This is really interesting the e book area will also feed into this http://www.ictworks.org/news/2009/09/21/dual-mode-daylight-readable-netbook-display

Worth a read

Friday, December 11, 2009

What are you doing in january over three weeks !

Well as long as signing up to the gym or other health  kick  if you want to feel inspired to combat festive season over indulgence  follow this great bunch of people doing this great challenge http://www.3peaks3weeks.org/ Three peaks in Africa raising money for key 3 issues facing Africa The 3 Peaks 3 Weeks Challenge is an annual all-female climbing event which aims to summit three of Africa’s highest peaks in three weeks, raising money and awareness for the three key issues currently facing Africa; environment, education and health. One of the sponsors if that's the correct word is frontline SMS http://www.frontlinesms.com/ who are loaning there technology to let the teams keep supports upto date by text its free but go on give the 3 peaks 3 weeks team some money. Good old sms keeping it short simple and this case exciting good luck to all the women facing this awesome challenge . Go on subscribe you might just be inspired !! details how to register your phone or receive blog updates by email go here http://3peaks3weeks.wordpress.com/
Good luck with the challenge 3 Mountains (Mount Kenya,Mount Mehru and Mount kilimajaro) .

Thanks Ken for info

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Google chrome for mac and linux

its incredibly fast and has integrated well with mac os go on give it a try other browsers are available http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2009/12/google-chrome-for-holidays-mac-linux.html

havent given linux version a go but I will.

Sunday, December 06, 2009

US balloon hunt tests internet accuracy

Interesting approach from bbc .US defence experts launch 10 red balloons across the country to assess the accuracy with which information spreads on the internet.

Go to BBC to read the original article.

Saturday, December 05, 2009

Google Dumps Gears for HTML5

So hope no one based there strategy on using Google Gears http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/google_dumps_gears_for_html5.php

Friday, December 04, 2009

Google buy up etherpad

Interesting that the popular etherpad or its parent company Appjet have been acquired by google!! http://etherpad.com/ep/blog/posts/google-acquires-appjet

So if you want any other proof google are dead serious about wave !!!

Anybody using wave in anger yet !!