thoughts for 2010 first of many !!
Predictions comments for 2010 Things will be:
- Embedded. Connectivity via wifi or via the humble sim card will become the norm in sat navs, digital photoframes and importantly TV's.
- Whats Television the fragmentation on what is television will continue ,
- Transferable media will be transferable via WiFi ,Near Field Communication (NFC) in its various flavours Jet stream transferring data over very short distances at 530Mbsec is one that appears in well known brands of laptops and TVs.
- HTML 5 wil appear giving much of the offline functionally of google gears and the like ( google think so they have stopped developing gears).
- Ambient this is a wierd one wearable, Context and location aware .
- Integrated technology will not only as now appear in the home but me much more widely integrated
- Green a difficult one but manufacturers have got get real and they are. power management, kit life has got be extended.
The big developments will be in a few words
- Battery Technology
- Wireless charging