What are you doing in january over three weeks !
Well as long as signing up to the gym or other health kick if you want to feel inspired to combat festive season over indulgence follow this great bunch of people doing this great challenge http://www.3peaks3weeks.org/ Three peaks in Africa raising money for key 3 issues facing Africa The 3 Peaks 3 Weeks Challenge is an annual all-female climbing event which aims to summit three of Africa’s highest peaks in three weeks, raising money and awareness for the three key issues currently facing Africa; environment, education and health. One of the sponsors if that's the correct word is frontline SMS http://www.frontlinesms.com/ who are loaning there technology to let the teams keep supports upto date by text its free but go on give the 3 peaks 3 weeks team some money. Good old sms keeping it short simple and this case exciting good luck to all the women facing this awesome challenge . Go on subscribe you might just be inspired !! details how to register your phone or receive blog updates by email go here http://3peaks3weeks.wordpress.com/
Good luck with the challenge 3 Mountains (Mount Kenya,Mount Mehru and Mount kilimajaro) .
Thanks Ken for info
Good luck with the challenge 3 Mountains (Mount Kenya,Mount Mehru and Mount kilimajaro) .
Thanks Ken for info
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