Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Not a snappy title but great report : OfCom Communications Market report

This report that came out on the 19th of August (Ok I missed it I was on holiday) The state of play in the communications market in the UK is full of hidden gems. I of course have chosen some choice ones here

Use of telecoms services continued to grow in 2009. Total mobile call volumes
increased by 7% in 2009 (page 319), while the number of text messages increased
by 25%
. There was also a massive increase in data use: we estimate that
total data volumes over the UK’s internet infrastructure increased by 68% during
2009, and data volumes over mobile networks increased by 240%.

Interestingly revenues have grown in some areas and declined in others but what are the trends I am no market analyst but
  • Mobile
  • Subscription services (TV)
  • Marked activity changes across age groups gender
  • Social network usage has grown massively but the platforms used have waxed and waned
But what the heck just download and read it http://stakeholders.ofcom.org.uk/binaries/research/cmr/753567/CMR_2010_FINAL.pdf

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