Friday, July 01, 2011

CoSN Releases Horizon Report: 2011 K-12 Edition Toolkit

Interested in implementing strategies in education realiting to emerging technology and trends. From COSN New Media Consortium  this is a good place to start

follow up up to report of K12 released earlier in the year


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Gregor Arnold said...
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Gregor Arnold said...

There are mathematical solutions to the equations of general relativity in which black holes act as bridges to other parts of spacetime, even in principle parts that are otherwise not connected to our own. But I don’t see any reason to suspect that the black holes that actually exist in our Universe behave that way. диамантено шлайфане In particular, if you think about the ways in which actual black holes are supposed to have formed, they don’t seem to lead to anything like this in a natural way.

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