Sunday, July 04, 2010


The N-Quire project arose out of the personal Inquiry project involving Nottingham University and the Open University .

Involved developing a approach of scripted enquiry learning working with 11-14 year olds to carry out Scientific explorations . They approach linked classrooms, school environment ,homes and local area supported by mobile technologies shared spaces .
They used 4 pieces of "mobile Kit"

  • asus eepc
  • garmin GPS
  • digital camera
  • date logger and sensors

The project developed a web or locally loaded computer toolkit (authored in drupal).
Learners looked at
  • organic v non organic food looking at storage, and other issues. Including letting food decompose in learners mum fridges
  • The effect of noise and disturbance on wild bird feed habits around schools
  • fitness activity 
Interesting projects involving working with learners from Nottingham and Milton Keynes schools

the project has a web presence

scripted enquiry tool can be used online or downloaded and hosted locally . The project is looking at future work using integrated devices for data collection ie Iphone Android phones

1 comment:

I Will Be Healthy said...

Nice post thanks for shariing