Friday, July 16, 2010

'I'd rather give up my kidney than my phone' and "Step away from the Ipod"

Tale of two articles first from the Guardian.

Slightly surreal headline but worth a read.

75% of all teenagers (and 58% of 12-year-olds) now have a mobile phone. Almost 90% of phone-owning teens send and receive texts, most of them daily. Half send 50 or more texts a day; one in three send 100. In fact, in barely four years, texting has established itself as comfortably "the preferred channel of basic communication between teens and their friends".

Seconldy from Bill Thomson technology correspondent of the BBC Another great headline step away from the Ipod contrasting current statements as mobile phones being legitimate items for student searches .

both very funny but read and reflect a while !! Now where have I put my phone !

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