Tuesday, April 22, 2008

1:1 access to mobile learning devices interim report now available for download

This relates to my work at Becta so here on the blog for information dissemination purposes only
The interim report commissioned by Becta and undertaken by Professor Angela McFarlane and her team from Bristol University is now live on the Becta website http://partners.becta.org.uk/index.php?section=rh&catcode=_re_rp_02&rid=14204
The Researchers from the University of Bristol are investigating the educational impact of personal access to mobile learning devices at Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 4 in five schools.

This development and research project is using mixed methods to evaluate the impact of using personal digital assistants (PDAs) on learners' learning skills, attendance, behaviour and attainment. It will also review the success of the implementation and sustainability of the schools' PDA initiatives and provide examples of emerging good pedagogic practice.

Copies of the interim and executive summary are available for download.

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