Monday, December 29, 2008

Data cost threaten social networking sites

Telegraph (uk) article on falling ad revenue threatening viability of
sites in New Year. Blogged from my nokia so just search the link

Sent from my mobile device

Andy Black

"Where Technology and Pragmatism Meet"

"One can resist the invasion of an army but one cannot resist the
invasion of ideas" Victor Hugo.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas present

No not really but a "gadgetdom" would make interesting present.
Merry Christmas . Photo by Steve (official photographer) at Mlearn2008.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

OLPC Nicholas Negroponte visit to Colombia

The OLPC programme has caused much debate you might be interested in seeing Nicholas Negroponte on a visit deploying the OLPC in Columbia. No comment you decided

There are some games where cheering for the other side feels better than winning.

Great story the power of email the cloud and the crowd good on you sport fans thanks @theheroworkshop and digital maverick for putting this on twitter

cheer the other side this Christmas!

Internet Overtakes Newspapers as News Source Item from Pew research

Item from Pew research no surprise here but another sign of changing times. my only question is how do you define television any more

link at

some key graphs below.


this great table from Pew shows for the young the internet outstrips TV


US SMS growth suggest wider growth of mobile globally

Thanks to Liam Lowe for this

Portio Research have a new research report out which states: link here

 The mobile messaging market is expected rake in $130 billion in revenues by the end of the year, and is on pace to climb to $224 billion by 2013.
At that level, mobile messaging will make up 60 percent of all non-voice service revenues.

At least some of those increased revenues might be due to the higher price of a text message and operators' push to encourage more bundled services at the point of sale.

Interestingly enough, although the U.S. is considered late to the SMS party, Americans now send double the number of messages that Europeans average each month.

Now its seems this data is quite robust and interestingly other data suggests qwerty keyboards on mobiles are more common in the US.

Has the American consumer between the network confusion (caused  US telecoms) and got the mobile bug .

From studying google alerts for mobile over 18 months its seems from UK and European domination the most often picked up mobile learning leads are the US and India.

Predictions for 2009 the world is mobile not. The UN report earlier this year suggesting the next billion internet users will be mobile internet users back this up.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

You have to go through it to understand

I blogged Alan Johnstone release back in July

I woke up this morning to here this amazing interview of Alan Johnston interviewing  Ingrid Betancourt who was held for five years Columbian Farc rebels . Made particularity poignant by Alan himself having been held captive for four months in the Gaze early this year .

Listen and be humbled by insight into the role of hope despair an the power of family and friends and strangers. Plus the praise for the humble radio.

Now I don't send Christmas cards Medicine an frontiere, Oxfam and Amnesty get my cash I would have spent instead . But if you want a Christmas piece to make your reflect on what you have rather than what you lack just listen .

Merry Christmas

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Digital Literacy The Next Generation User Skills Report

Thanks to Joe for giving me a prod on this I had seen only partly read and forgot to post so top reminder Joe read the blog and get to link to download report at

Have a read and join the debate. If its half as good as the assesment 2.0 report by SQA it will be worth your time

Mobiles in schools on BBC world service

Huge heads up to those interested in things mobile in education Elizabeth (on person communications team) Hartnell Young along with others has been featured with her work on use of mobile phones in Education on the world service . Goon on yer !!

Mobile phones in school
Many schools have banned the use of mobile phones, saying that they distract students from working in class.
But over the past year, 300 pupils in the UK have been involved in an experiment to use mobile phones in lessons to record movies, take photos or set homework reminders.
Reporter Anna Lacey visits Park House school in Newbury to find out whether the project has been a success.

Related links

Becta UK - Mobiles in schools

Nottingham University, UK - Elizabeth Hartnell-Young

Saturday, December 13, 2008

cut and paste for ipod touch and Iphone

its a bit of work round but its a start . will install it later and let you know how it goes.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Educational Jargon Generator

Made me laugh ! Sad isn't it !


Live Mesh : Expanded Live Mesh for Mobile CTP

Windows mobile 6 works livemesh. Not my OS but worth a look. Thanks
islayian for this

Thanks to Steve Wheeler : timbuckteeth

Steve Wheeler that thinker and doer of Plymouth University who I met for the first time this year has listed me in his friends retro review on his blog very nice words thanks Steve. Also commend you to subscribe to his blog

Steve also co organises a great e-learning conference to whom I have submitted a workshop proposal

get it in your diary now !!!!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

PICO projectors are here

I've talked about them often enough now you can nearly buy one in the UK .

Wireless USB

Now I get this but using PCMCIA card odd but watch the next version .
Ratoc introduces Wireless USB kit for your PCMCIA-equipped laptop

Looks very odfd but the principla is sound .

Request to participate in survey on Children's Games

Please help a young graduate in some research they are doing its for parents indicate somewhere if you are UK based or not

I am part of a Graduate Project team, and we have been carrying out research into educational toys in the home market.

We have created a survey for parents to assess their views on educational toys.

If you are a parent, then please click the link below to fill in the survey, it will be very helpful for us to get your views on the matter.
It shouldn't take too long to fill in, its mainly drop-down menus and checkboxes, and all personal questions are optional.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

A new UN e-Learning initiative

Interesting development

Berlin, 6 December 2008 " A new UN e-Learning initiative, launched in Berlin last week, offering developing countries opportunities to draw upon a rich array of training and capacity-building resources.

Sixteen UN agencies, meeting at a forum organized by UNEP during the 14th International Conference on Technology Supported Learning and Training in Berlin, agreed to establish UNeLearn - a UN-wide network on technology supported learning to share information and expertise, and to collaborate on the sustained deployment of e-Learning.

Friday, December 05, 2008

Teddies in space make the international and national media

Greetings from Berlin at Online Educa. Geoff Stead sent me this and its great because the learners are the hero's and there bears.
I am using the story to open my presentation on next generation learning very apt in the home of the teddy bear "the stieff bear"  .

Looks at Geoffs posting this is so cool and hopefully my audience will love it

Thursday, December 04, 2008

John Traxler Interviewed at Online Educa

Mobile learned expert (guru)John Traxler interviewed at Online Educa

download youtube as mp4 files

just found this the button you can drag into firefox is so easy !! great

portable mobile projector review

People might like to look at this review of a ultra portable projector .

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Monday, December 01, 2008

Three Reasons Why Netbooks Just Aren’t Good Enough

Techcrunch it appears doesnt like netbooks now they arent in my opinion for power users a primary device. But stuff my opnion read the article

I also urge you to look at Alan Patricks great comment at his blog


I used one of these historic amstrad 386sx20 heavy it was but what revalation was that really 20 plus years ago !!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Nominations for Edublogawards get them in now !!!

Go on nominate someone for the edublogawards

Special interest Group lunch I've been selected. To discuss :Learning 2.0 – Helpful Term or Not ?

Hi all
Well as some of you know I am speaking at Online educa in Berlin this Friday as part of a session on Engaging Learners Using Technology timing 14.30 till 16.00. Its Gen73 in the programme and in the Lincke room.

Well after a email requesting title for a SIG lunch table mines been selected so if your  at education and fancy discussing the supposition below sign up and come along . It start 13,30 and end 14.30 nearly causing me to be in two places at once but not quite

Learning 2.0 – Helpful Term or Not ?

with the following description:
The phrase web 2.0 has been highly contested as a step on the journey but not an evolution of the web itself. Learning 2.0 I suggest is also a non descript term that doesnt help us build a paradigm for making use of advances in technologies to help promote learning.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

BCS event free on Geospatial images,GIS and Navigation Applications

I cant go in Berlin but this event on November the 3rd in London looks great.

its free but you've got to register

Unsung FE hero gets National Recognition

Another one of those humble giants is getting some recognition Geoff Rebbeck Thanet College !!!!!

The Becta QIA STAR Award For Innovation was awarded to Geoff Rebbeck.
The category was judged by Kevin Donovan on behalf of Becta and presented by Jane Williams, at last nights ceremony.

Congratulations Geoff Richly deserved and those who made the short list well done

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Future Lab report on Promoting transformative innovation in schools

great report on "Promoting transformative innovation in schools" by Future Lab. No comment but urge you to read

Saturday, November 15, 2008

youtube video via edublogs tv

Huge thanks to Steve beard for this link. This for many situations is a way of using youtube as a teaching resource in places youtube is blocked. Steve and I are gigging together later in the year.

Thanks Steve you teachmmet and Shropshire Giant !!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Working on iPod

Well is blog writer lite the ipod touch blogging tool I have sought.

Display link 7" inch usb monitors

Nanovision DisplaLink monitors

Thanks to Adrian for this (good one) these devices that plug into a device via usb (potentially mini usb) for both display in and power. It brings the idea of small device (mobile) that one can easily plug into a larger screen much closer . Seems a really good development

stick a key board on it and we are getting near the one device model for many users. How long before the bring out a cable connection for the Iphone ?

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

JISC Legal web 2.0 toolkit

For those using web 2.0 tools and approach in the institutions this may be useful worth a read  JISC Legal Service has published some useful information in the form of a toolkit.

The following are included:

Web 2.0 and the Law for FE Policy Makers
Web 2.0 and the Law for HE Policy Makers
Web 2.0 and the Law for Information Services
Web 2.0 and the Law for IT Support Staff
Web 2.0 and the Law for Learning Resource Staff
Web 2.0 and the Law FAQs
Web 2.0 Policy Checklist

Monday, November 10, 2008

TALC anyone

Teaching aids at low cost had a fund raising slot on radio 4 this morning . Teaching Aids at Low Cost have been around since 1965 and started of with distributing book transparencies in the health teaching area. They now run e-talc that create e media (cds) as well as sending out a lot paper based texts.

What does an e-TALC CD-ROM include?

from the the website

A variety of electronic resources are included on the e-TALC CD-ROM
including journals, books, newsletters and interactive educational
content. These resources are donated by a variety of NGOs, publishers
and individuals involved in health and development in developing
countries. The resources are sorted and chosen for inclusion on
future issues of e-TALC by our expert editorial board who make their
selection based on the relevance of the resource to health care
workers in resource-poor settings.

Some of the organisations who regularly contribute material to e-TALC include:

  • World Health Organisation
  • The British Medical Journal
  • The Lancet
  • The Wellcome Trust
  • World Anaesthesia
  • International Centre for Child Health
You can don ate to Talc at
Could do with linking up with the
project John Davitt told me of a year ago or so.

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Rememberance Sunday

Well those great people at radiowaves are doing some more  interesting stuff around remembrance Sunday worth following. as is the bbc rememberance website link here

Personally I had an interesting day today a local service at 9.30 then off to Duxford Imperial war museum
for another service and a great visit .One young 9 year old was very taken by the day in reflective way including a long conversation with an actor playing the role of a first world war padre.  The IWM at Duxford is free on remeberance Sunday and as one of the homes for part of USA  8th air force in WWII and now home to American Air Museum click on photo for link View of American Air Museum

really thought provoking day out images below is called the counting the cost wall this shot shows part of it. Each Icon represent a lost air and it goes on for a 100 metres

even more shocking was  this the first photo shows one of wall panels the second shot shows names of lost crew in details and the third plaque explains it all. A day of relection.


Education2020 UNCONFERENCE 2020 Vision: What should education look like in the year 2020?

Well youve got loads of warning 12th June of amazing Islay arranged by mad Ian Stewart (thats a complement Ian ;-)))and others . Going to be great yes we will stream it somehow (Ian Doesnt know yet) .

Just get yourself there OK !!

Thursday, November 06, 2008


Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Becta launches its new Next Generation Learning website

Now I seldom do my corporate bit but just for once see below.

Becta launches its new Next Generation Learning website

Becta has unveiled the new Next Generation Learning campaign website, as part of its drive to parents, learners and employers to get the most out of technology in education.

The website is a key resource to find out more about the innovative and exciting ways that technology is already being used by some schools and organisations to improve engagement, motivation and results. Exemplar schools include John Cabot Academy in Bristol, where students are using their PSPs (PlayStation Portables) in PE lessons to see how their long jump techniques compare to the professionals, and where sixth formers teach software designers some tricks of the trade.

New on the Next Generation Learning website is a postcode search facility for parents to find out which schools in their area are using technology effectively. These are the schools that are already using technology to a high standard and have received the prestigious ICT Mark.  Research indicates that ICT Mark accredited schools are four times more likely to be rated as outstanding in the overall effectiveness category of Ofsted inspection reports. Pupils at ICT Mark schools are also more likely to achieve better results.

The campaign demonstrates how greater engagement with parents or carers can increase a learner's potential link here , how effective use of technology can improve schools link here  and colleges, and how to ensure children are safe online link here .

To find out more about how to implement Next Generation Learning click on the links above, or have a look at the campaign website .

Stephen Crowne, Chief Executive of Becta said,

"We know that technology significantly improves results, yet despite this, only one in five of schools and colleges are making the most of its potential. Our children, and all other learners, deserve a truly outstanding education and in the modern world this means we need all schools and learning providers to become effective and innovative users of technology.

"We don't want anyone to miss out so we are encouraging everyone to go on to the website and see just some of the differences that technology can make."

The Next Generation Learning website is a key part of the national campaign that aims to encourage schools, colleges and learning providers to consider how they can use technology to support teaching.

how do you find your news !

Well my morning started with Ipod touch cruise to twitter, then the bbc online then google news.

Might be retro and watch telly and buy a paper latter. Twitter it strikes me is like the old fashioned newswire but in a my humble opinion its like a wildfire phenomena described by Yrjo Engestrom at his recent prsentation at mlearn008 but with more pervasive and mychorrhizae like properties . His book from knots to teams is interesting .

twitter bbc news us election twitter ultimate news feed

Well where else would you get up to date breaking news . Is twitter
the modern equivalent of ticker Tape news the BBC on twitter ;-).

Monday, November 03, 2008

Unsung hero of mobile learning gets recognition from his peers

One of the podcasting and sms guru of the FE (tertiary or Community College sector for non UK readers) recieve recognition form his peers at recent Mlearn conference.

Mick Mullane the man that made go and get a Mac and then a Ipod touch but also rages about about projects not workng with learners own devices has finally got some reward.

Mick is a great presenter that mixes technolgy with a healthy dose of pragmatism to showcase his work at his college combining SMS and pod and vodcasting . He is one of the rare few to mix classroom teaching and learning examples of mobile learning but importantly the use of the technology in day to day running of a college as a business.

Well done Mick well deserved.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

independent article on mobile learning

Not expressing a view but article appears to miss the trends in the FE & HE and sooner or later schools for supporting learners own device but nice to see couple of sound trail blazing projects placed centre stage. But of course you decide.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Great twitter tools two sources

Thanks to Leon Cynch for sending this link to me from

47 great twitter tools

I also love the playmobile figure browsing twitter.

Also you might like to look at great stuff on both sites.

Twitter stealth technology ?

Is Twitter a technology that is emerging by stealth. In recent months I've seen:-

  • Teachers asking for ideas for teaching classes
  • Travellers asking for restaurant and things to do ideas
  • Conference attendees broadcasting thoughts ideas
  • Conference presenters asking questions of the audience in the room and in the wider world via Twitter
  • Bloggers getting ideas from twitter
  • Facebook users using it to update status and Twitter at the same time

Google is still the search engine of the masses but for specialist questions amongst a circle of friends (followers in Twitter terms) Twitter is a very powerful tool that is creeping up in its use.

You may only have 160 characters but it encourages short targeted questions

See you on Twitter ;-)

Monday, October 27, 2008

Official Google Blog: Introducing Google Earth for iPhone

Credit to Ollie Bray for putting this out via twitter. It's works on
the touch to.

Great news if your interested in using the tool for:

  • geography
  • ecology/biology
  • outdoor pursuits

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Teachmeet be inspired

Great post by Tom Barrett  who attended a Scottish teachmeet last month and its seems hasnt been the same since. I attended my first the year before at the Scottish learning Festival like Tom I was inspired I've done four since . Toms post puts it so much better than I could

I pushed them at Mlearn on my papers on the fly session Ive blogged them Ive bluddgendon people to help support them. So on just go and have a look

Think underground the teaching equivalent of guerrilla gardening with some people that ive met once and kept in touch with via Twitter my twitter

In fact teachmeet isn't precious about the idea the whole thing could work in your college your area or even your class people have all got things there passionate  about and want to share.

My email signature has a strap line "One can resist the invasion of an army but one cannot resist the invasion of ideas" Victor Hugo.

Teachmeet be inspired but be at one virtually or in person !!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Russel Stannard of University of Westminster we salute your willingness to share

Russel  has just won an award from Jisc for his work on video in  the use of producing learning materials he used camtasia very effectivelly as a recording software

you will find loads of stuff from using blogger, producing podcasts, second life, RSS feeds how to use itunes to get podcasts.

Well deserved and a train resource he has made free to all

Should I close my blog

According to Robin Hamman of Headshift I should dont all shout yes at once !!! From Radio four link to programme page below.

Read interesting comment from Rory Cellan-Jones at

The Sky's the Limit: Kids' Top Tools for the Classroom

Ok its from the George Lucas Educational Foundation website the man that brought you stars (for wish myself and my two boys are VERY grateful!)

the answers from young people they asked as to classroom technology is enlightening worth a read.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Google gmail mobile 2.0 marks a further march into the mobile space

No prizes for me telling you doesnt run on windows mobile but this version of gmail for you smart phone users must be worth a look.

 the fact it works offline is the keypoint

Cotton knickers for africa

No its not spam its Lisa Velentines blog that is always worth a look

Lisa is one of those great people work to promtoe learninh  note I didnt add the "e" working for the JISC RSC's.

She described my networking at a recent event handheld learning as furious Ooh!! maybe I better calm down a bit !!

Great blog worth a look loved the Coast to Coast video as a keen cyclist myself

Happy Birthday IPOD 7 years old !!

Well a point to ponder on how little time they've been around to so dominate the market !

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Mobile Learning @ BTC a blog worth following

This US based project might be worth some of the UK colleges Universities looking a mobile learning.

This is a relatively new project funded under Best Practice innovation grant with some interesting aims outcomes :-

Objectives and Outcomes:

1.        Improve access to
course materials by providing instructors and students with a handheld
device, such as an iPod Touch, which can be used to access content
anywhere there is a wireless Internet connection.

2.        Reduce production of
printed materials to develop a more sustainable instructional delivery

3.        Provide tools to
generate increased instructor/student and student/student interaction
using more learner-centered pedagogy.

4.        Develop and publish
replicable implementation model to be promoted internally and within
the SBCTC system.

5.        Promote creation and
distribution of Open Educational Resources by modeling the process for
other institutions.

6.        Discover and document
how students are using these devices personally, so we are better able
to address future learning needs and interests.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

News Centre : Department for Children, Schools and Families

Subject: News Centre : Department for Children, Schools and Families

A interesting time to live in Suffolk and Oldham

MUVEnation launch teaching and learning with MUVE's

Thanks to Steven Warburton for sending this my way

The European funded MUVEnation project has just
launched ‘Teaching and learning with MUVEs’. This is a one
year postgraduate programme, delivered online, for future and
in-service teachers who want to use innovative methods and tools to
address learners motivation and participation issues in compulsory
education. What impact can 3D virtual worlds, such as Second Life,
really have on our learning and teaching settings?

course is free, but there are only 80 places. Participants will receive
a formal letter or certificate of completion from their assigned
institution For a full overview of the programme description and
objectives please visit. We have four levels of participation - from
the full course to those who are more experienced and would like simply
to observe and participate in discussions

programme will be taking place in Italy, United Kingdom, Germany,
Spain, Belgium and France. If you are interested in participating then
please see the registration details here on the site, the closing days
for applications is the last week in October.

We look forward to hearing from you,
The MUVEnation team

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Just Another Mobile Monday

Well just look at this ipod touched docked into a docking station
concept at moment but intersting.

Friday, October 17, 2008

screen shots from a iphone Ipod touch

Simple trick hold down home button and quickly depress the power button and it neatly takes a screen shot of the screen and puts it into photo. A short post but a neat one .

Thursday, October 16, 2008

IGoogle gets a makeover

Well the google blog says its launched in the US well I've got news ts launched hear as well as my igoogle homepage captured as a screen shots shows.

The telling quote is"We're very excited about these changes because it makes iGoogle a more
useful homepage and a better platform for developers. And this is just
the beginning: expect to see more canvas gadgets created by developers
and more new features on iGoogle soon.

so is it linked to chrome and other recent developments.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

4IP got any big or not so big ideas

Read the text below I have idea for British Sign Language resources on mobile devices anybody fancy chipping in with ideas to make it about it below text is from the website

4iP is keen to get proposals from as wide a range of people and companies as possible. Nobody is too small, nobody too big.

In short, 4iP is looking to support great ideas for websites, games and
mobile services which will help people improve their lives. If you want
to learn more about the kind of ideas 4iP is seeking you can read our guidelines.

If you have a proposal ready to go, please set up your account and get cracking.

We aim to get back to you within twenty eight days with our initial thoughts - you can always log in here to check the status of your proposal(s).

Thomas Cochrane views on Mlearn

Not the same as mine but still valid he like the SMS stuff well done Steve !!!!

Thomas Cochranes blogs

Thanks for you comment and even more for giving a blog link interested yes very so if you interested a real mobile learning with real people in a tertiary work based learning context you got to follow Toms work!!

plus hes got another he didnt tell me about so have that to will add them to my blog roll later.

100 facebook friends

Well Ewan Micintosh was my 50th facebook friend and interestingly he has a link to my 100th Carole Fetcher of intutitive media . Carole Ewan and Marc Prensky and Stphen Heppel and Keri Facer of MMU were on a panel at handheld Learning 2008 . I asked a question of them about the elephant in the room holding up progressing the education system via the Txttools sms system used very effectivelly at the conference . I will post there responese later . Whats really scary I looked up Carole earler on facebook today and nearly did a friends request but was halted by dodgy connectivity so Carole you got there first .

All in all top event handheld learning top event and meal out last night was great !!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Mlearn2008 Exceeds wildest expectations and rfid first

Excuse the lack of long post but just got say Mlearn2008 was the best conference I've attended in a while . why well here's my feedback

1) Quality of papers without doubt high quality throughout
2) Keynotes not on duff one amongst them and interesting mix of commercial, policy focused and awesomely academic.
3) Exhibitors only a few but quality people
4) Social activity two great evening socials
5) Attendees really great mix those awesome South Africans, New Zealanders (Selena Chan and Thomas Cochrane blew my head off !!) those Awesome Aussie and a real great mix of other people from around the world.
6) Dr Chris Dennett and his working like devils with rfid and bluetooth stuff. The first education conference in the world to use rfid to inform its audience throughout . example of one clip sent to my phone
I will blog it loads but just to tired now

well done organising committee anyone fancy Florida next year !!!

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

PBwiki plus dash of google gadgets

Just been wikkiing around using Pbwiki and have discovered you can add Google gadgets to it. This makes it a really powerful collaborative tools

Sunday, October 05, 2008

James May big idea series on the BBC

If you havent seen this series yet please  have look at the related website at

watch the one on robotics on BBC iplayer . Robotics is one the fields I would love to work in.

Becta pulishesesearch on Web 2.0 technologies for learning at KS3 and KS4 - Project overview

Not passing cooment on this for obvious reasons but I do encourage you read it .

Thursday, October 02, 2008

The mobile fest has started !!

Went to the Molenet dissemination conference on the 18th September get a very bland report here Iam assurred video and more etailed reports will follow. Keypoint apart from great stuff done by colleges is that more money is up for grabs next year details here

Mlearn2008 starts next week well worth a look details here some really interesting slots a distinctly international flavour .

Then week after next at the brewery in London Handheld Learning 2008 including a great FREE day on the Monday . Nicely titled a Handheld Learning Festival day

Its going to be great but exhausting !!!

twitter leads me to nice OLPC story on BBC

under my alter ego on twitter Anyjb I discovered this story from digital maverick.

 I have had a loan of a OLPC thanks Seb and have had some fun with it. But I wasnt convinced but maybe I have been to hard and tainted by my long expereice of suing PC's Mac and some of the more ecent UMPC's .

So maybe I am wrong

have a read off to eat humble pie ;-)))

Jisc online conference Learning in a Digital Age - Are we prepared?

Well those of you that know me are well aware I love face to face events but I also love online conferences .

This conference coming up in early november looks just the best. Ive got to give a huge plug to this one administered on behalf of JISC by Geoff Minshull and Judith Mole of Directlearn the best online conference team this side of Ursa Minor .

The line is pretty excellent yet another chance to see John (Giant) Davitt sickinlgy I suspect he has good online as he is live. The rest of the programme is great view it here  .

Added the conference link in my sidebar . Sadly nobody asks me to do online events anymore ;-)

Nintendo DSi

yet another move from nintendo using phenomenally succesful DS platfrom. theyve added a .3 megapxel camera a sd card reader and mp3 player  Its all getting interesting again.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Phone friend in exams

Now you will either get outraged at this or says its part of an evolution in assesment. Thanks to Elizabeth Hartnell Young for the link

read the article and reflect on it !! interesting piece of work .  Thanks Elizabeth !

Friday, September 26, 2008

In the company of giants but ever so modest ones !!

a Post written 24 hours ago but only had chance to post a day later

The ninth teachmeet

has been and gone and what a night too many great educator stand ups (because that's what it is !) to comment on now but I will over the coming weeks .

Reflecting while on my surprise road trip back to work . A journey consisting of the last train from Glasgow connecting with Edinburgh Sleeper arriving in in Crewe at 5.15 (in seat class rather than sleeper). The final leg of this morning travels 5.45 to Birmingham International(arrive 7.15) from Crewe .

Reflection speakers were stunning as ever but the conversation on table the back channel stuff the twitter the flash meeting and the texting in questions was just stunning .

John Dabro powerful video presentation
Chance conversation with Stephen Heppell and the first ever teachmeet presentation by John Davitt
.Ewan Mcintoshs departure from the teachmeet halfway through (but surely not forever). Forgets the names but just thing about collective creativity of the learners that people show cased .

I felt the whole room was a company of giants but ever so modest ones!!

Teachmeet 10 in the borders looking for a sponsor anybody got any spare cash to sponsor what Ollie Bray described previously as best staff development ever.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Prestonlodge website made of multiple blogs

the idea of using mutiple blogs instead of static website great presentation !!

Andy Brown gave me a glow

Andy Brown gave me great demo of glow this morning but this evening he gigged at teachmeet awesome blog of hs own  !!!!

geography ghost ship mystery


wont blog this till friday but at teachmeet 08 at scottish learning festival  just google teachmeet 08 not just awesome but completely humbling for example John Dabro work with bsed learners a becta project (nothing to do with me but great )

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Open source Tosh go into the market place with a high spec low cost UMPC

Now I ihnted ad showed photo's of this a while but now the new is out .

XP and Ubuntu a the latter a first for Tosh

Powered by the 1.6GHz Intel Atom CPU,
web cam
3 usb ports
neat sleep and charge feature for USB devices

120gb kinetic hard drive and a 3 hours 47 minutes battery life .

This read like a compact high spec laptop not just a low cost machine for travelling occasional use !!!

not a bad machine

What's elephant in the room stopping uptake of m learning.

What's elephant in the room stopping uptake of m learning.

Dave whyley assesment

Geoff need to deconstuct teaching

Elizabeth Hartnell Young teacher attitude

Mike Short making it easier and valid used example of iPhone

Sent from my iPod
My blog

best quote from molenet

Chris ex learner at of Wandsworth clc Gave best quote of Molenet dissemination event about lifewise project

you just cant give people mobiles you've got to have people behind them !! quote from learners at Lifewise project.

Molenet Dissemination conference

At the event today in London disseminating work from the MoLeNET projects.

looking forward to seeing the projects placed centre stage.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Future school desk in the news

Well done to the Durham University Cetl for getting there work on innovative design and spaces for learning in the news including this great story that made newsround !!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

OLPC the old and the new

The world having gone mad for umpc after the asus crashed the consumer market almost a year ago ? TheOLPC or as it was trailled wrongly $100 laptop has gone a bit quiet. I have managed to borrow one from Seb who sourced one via the US under the give one get one programme . I am looking at it over next few days and will give my impressions.

two together rare sight

one at altc on its own.

the whole concept is one to get your head round . I am interested in the mesh capability. I will report soon.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Interesting work based learning project

Interesting project if your interested in work based learning Main project website can be found at

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Large scale study of South African Students

 Laura czerniewicz presented interesting paper on a large scale study with interesting this to say about how students use technology especially mobile technology in South African Universities .

worth a look

photo's of tosh umpc

Ok this isnt probably final but here are some poor photos of this device launched soon !!





Monday, September 08, 2008

BBC you and yours catches up with Andy !!

You and yours is talking of using wool insulation . Well mates our under floor insulation in our new extension is wool .

Tosh to enter the lower cost UMPC area ?

Technology innovator Toshiba have been notably absent from the current rush of umpc,ulcpc the asus,elonex,rm to name a few. Well my spies tell me its coming.
its rumoured to have
  • robust build I expect large storage remember they made the kinetic hard drives for Ipod 80- 120 gb has been talked of.
  • USB ports 3
  • battery life longer than existing offers
  • SD card and maybe memory stick
  • web cam
  • Great display
  • Choice of operating system linux ? or Windows ?
  • a price point just over £200 mark
The thought is that its a fully functioning rich media laptop not the cut down version. Interesting entry to the market. Its all getting interesting !

Sunday, September 07, 2008

ALTC this week brdging digtal divide

ALTC conference this week and reading the conference materials looks like a good one .

Crowdvine is being used and already it has helped inform me of whoses attending and sessions. Going to twitter using my andyb tag and blog going to be busy week .

Friday, September 05, 2008

Using phones in education

Big round of applause for Facebook friend Elizabeth Hartnell Young Becta research grant funded work on mobile phone use in secondary education .

The daily mail picked up on

Read the actual work at

Thursday, September 04, 2008

picasa upgrade contains facial recognition software

How amazing is this latest version of picasa scans your photos for faces and recognises faces and tags them automatically.

Chrome polishes up nicely ?

Hi all

you cant of missed the launch of Google foray into the browser market place .

Now Ive only used it for an hour it is BETA !! But it seems interesting nice clean interface. It hasn't got many plug ins yet but they wont be far behind. The rumours that it isn't a forerunner to an operating system have been rubbished by many. 

But to be honest with Google apps etc and my longed mentioned strapline "The answer is the browser "and the fact many even offline applications will work through the browser watch this space . Read the storyboard at 

Monday, September 01, 2008

Digital Communications Knowledge Transfer Network host a framework 7 an introduction event

Digital Communications Knowledge Transfer Network promoting a introduction to Framework 7 on September 11th in London details in pdf can be fund here

If you don't know about framework 7 are are serious about developing large ICT projects well worth attending.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Google geo location api and google gear

Read the post wonder and think damm clever people at Google another corner turned on the journey !!

OS integration with windows mobile is interesting I give it ten days before the iphone version emerges !!

Top gear if you have the right car !!

Friday, August 15, 2008

The browser goes visual and beyond

The browser is getting more visual.I used flock (a mozilla browser that integrates browsing and social network and other feed type tools) for a while but have lapsed back into to Firefox. Though recently I have downloaded the webmynd plug in for Firefox that records your browsing a graphic you can call up in a film style strip or a thumb nail gallery

Also Mozilla have launched an experiment called Snowl that allows on to arrange feed and messaging within the browser sounds worth following

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Communication Growth

This ofcom report confirms what youve all been thinking the communication future is mobile. Look at BBC piece but do read the whole report.

Frontline SMS

Got to give Ken Banks of blog a huge plug. A thought provoking post that makes you remember SMS is more than a fun technology . Remember those workers for NGO's around the world.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Google docs add templates

Interesting move by google docs templates have a look.

sign of increasing maturity of the Google offer.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Widgets Apps WordPress

Well hows about this Wordpress have produced an app for the Ipod Touch and Iphone and its free works well on my wordpress blog (I dont use it very much). So come on Google where is the Apps for publishing to blogger

32 GB embedded NAND flash memory

Ignore the technobable but just think in really small space in MP4 players, phones, how much memory do you need this is the size of laptop kinetic hard drive 5 years ago !!

If I am correct tosh produce the memory for Ipod touch, Iphone . The current 32Gb Touch has two 16GB NAND chips so repeat this and you get 64GB Ipod Touch bring it on !!!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Twofour learning blog

I don't usually comment on companies but had this blog pointed out to me . Doing interesting stuff for a range of clients and range of platforms technologies and keeping a focus on what is good for learners,learning . They also seem to be willing to share and discuss it which is no bad thing .

As always no endorsement just personally found it interesting.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Web survey for Committee of Inquiry into the Changing Learner Experience - Survey of use of Web 2.0 technologies in teaching, learning, support and administration

Tom Franklin of Franklin Consulting

is undertaking an international study of the use of Web 2.0 technologies in teaching, learning, support and administration. As part of this study we are collecting evidence, in the form of case studies, of the use of Web 2.0 in higher education in the United Kingdom, Australia, The United States of America, South Africa and the Netherlands.

If you have been using Web 2.0 in your practice he would be very grateful if you would complete the survey, which can be found at or .

Completing the survey should take around 20 - 30 minutes, and if you leave your email address we will send you the draft report for comment and final report.

Please feel free to forward to all interested parties

If you have any questions please contact Tom via his website .

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Location Location Location

This is the outputs from an interesting event on Location Based Services at the National Physics laboratory as part of the DIUS funded (formerly DTI) Knowledge Transfer Networks . This KTN of Location and timing is close to my heart

Friday, July 18, 2008

E learning guild 360 report on mobile learning

going to look at this over the weekend. Interesting to see what those over the Atlantic think.


What it is, why it matters, and how to incorporate it into your learning strategy

by Steve Wexler, Judy Brown, David Metcalf, David Rogers, and Ellen Wagner

also doing free webinar 8.30 -9.30 Pacific time check your time difference might be worth a listen details and register here

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Unsung hero's of mobile learning

Some of you may follow the Handheld learning forum BTW only few days remaininig of early bird discount for the October conference and that free Nintendo DS.

The site has been running a series of interviews on hero educators including great colleagues in the mobile learning field like Derek Robertson
and Mike Sharples .

I have a new category to suggest Unsung hero's of mobile learning. I.e those working in the frontline teaching young and not so young people .

Can I embarrasss two of them by naming them Colin Bell and Mick Mullane of Yorkshire Coast College . Mick is well known in the technical area of mobile and Colin is a frontline practitioners working in the field of podcasting vodcasting with a range of engineering motor vehicle learners . Ive been moving my practice with my ipod touch up a gear and wanted to present from it . Problem two sets of cables you can buy. Rang Apple support sadly not there usual Apple savvy selves. Then rang Mick who put me onto Colin and sorted the problem in fact Colin Bless him provided online support by SMS when setting up .
Whays even funnier is I actually sourced cables from my local Argos .

Andys thought for the day is technology well on the way to being
mainstream when it appears in Argos and fully embedded when it appears
at Sainsbury's Tesco !!!

Colin and Mick Step up to the podium unsung hero's of mobile learning !!!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

John Daviit the Iphone and Baking what an eclectic post

Having seen John Davitt
demonstrate how he has scanned six years of passport sized note books on to his Iphone earlier in the week. This morning I had another revelation when looking for recipe for pancakes. House re build gong on cook books packed away house asleep need i say more. I was brought up with bero cook book
it is now avaiable partially on-line now John I might get that Iphone scan my favourite recipes
when the rush dies down !!!

By the way great pancakes !!!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Mike Short the serial dating phenomena is recognised

Excuse the blog posting title and personal nature of this post . Mike Short a man that makes my skills of making connections to people and events look decidely shabby has been recognised by Staffordshire University with honorary doctorate. Well done Mike

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Times article How the Google generation thinks differently

Thanks to Bob for pointing this article out . Have a read do you agree or disagree let me know ? post a comment .

Alan November goes all Northern European

Well North American based Alan November viewed by many as a guru as regards e-learning holds his own conference this summer and the Keynotes are both European .

John Davitt
Ewan Mcintosh

both legends in their own lunch time or is it lunchbox

check the keynotes out at

Good stuff great speakers and thinkers and importantly doer's !!

Friday, July 04, 2008

Google Gears for Mobile ??

was just thinking of this as an idea last week and then came invite to next Mobile Mondays London Chapter meeting 14th July . Guess what one of the presentation tiles was

Google Gears Mobile - Charles Wiles

looking forward to it already

Local zone from vodafone

Ok its vodafone New Zeland but this seems an interesting development wonder if they will introduce it here.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Ethics of researching and managing mobile learning Workshop at University of Bristol

I couldn't make this event but colleagues ( friends) were kind enough to share the session with the world . Really great to see discussion around ethics of researching mobile learning really well worth a look and a bit of relection !!

serendipity leads to cycling article

Travelling back from work on a nightmare train journey had a great conversation with a Librarian from Cambridge University and her daughter . Web 2.00 conservation serendipity and she pointed out a great article on cycling in Copehagen no technology but great article !!,,2287337,00.html

Iphone as a tool for education

Watch the video from Abilene Christian University who are leading with IPhone development in educational institutions . if you get some time ignore the hype .

The reflections on this blog I read sort of mirror my thoughts

Interesting blurring of social ,teaching and learning and education administration .
ignore the over production ;-))) think about the content .

It doesnt have to be an iphone a range of devices are emerging !!

Thursday, June 26, 2008


Blogged from gmail on my iPod touch. Thanks to those powerhouses at for this. Hailed by many as the new twitter. Seems a more spotaneos less formal  version of Plato worth a look.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

From Toy to Tool Cell phones in learning

Interesting site (North American) on use of cellphones in education. Thanks Bob for pointing this out !!
From Toy to Tool: Cell Phones in Learning

UMPC is a new class emerging the ULCPC

The class of Ultra Mobile PC's or low format notebooks has been quite a disruptive technology in the Mobile learning area. The smart phone types suggest they are neither a smart phone or full spec laptop capable of manipulating rich media . There are it appears two classes of machine in terms of specification.

Rich Media devices (small versions of full spec laptops )
Low media devices functions including a range of text editing media viewing.

It strikes me now we have
1)UMPC's (small version of conventional laptops at a cost !!)
2) ULCPC Ultra Low Cost PC's.( cut down version of cnventional laptops with limited functionality)

the next evolution in the chain is smartphone connectivity to conventional monitor and keyboard when in the office environment . The Iphone is it appears nearest to this capability but not quite

Saturday, June 21, 2008

APT STAIRS a alternative" Stairway to heaven"

Was lucky enough to attend launch event of APT STAIRS Project (Appropriate Practical Technologies for Students,Teachers, Administrators and Researchers )

Interesting Jisc funded project invovlng looking a cloud computng in this case Google docs and other parts of Google Apps

it involves demonstrator projects in the 6 colleges in the bloomsbury group of UCL

key point to the projects are
  • collaboration
  • communication
  • coordination
The project invovlves members of the college communties using technologies for collaboration for academic work.

Lots of small projects using google docs across 6 institutions
vet school around placements in first year.
London international development centre using google doc to manage membership
School of Pharmacy drug classification project using Google Docs
Birkbeck science collation data

A member Google staff gave an interesting presentation on what exactly is Google Apps . Remember other products are available including a powerful offer from Microsoft.

introduced idea of taking away some in house services and replace it via the "cloud".

Major advantages of cloud computing
  • scalability
  • collaboration that just wasnt possible before
  • cloud continual timeline of innovation in stepped changes

the apps allow mere mortals to produce tools and collaboration platforms .

education the role of apis to integrate with exisitng institutinal services is common.

the google strap mantra
  • communication
  • collaborate
  • simplify
  • innovate

watch the youtube video introducing google Apps

Great project interested to see what evolves. follow the project at

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I Tunes U

Apple going to have a major push in the UK using I Tunes that's the rumour. The fact there stateside I Tunes U guru is over in the UK might be one to watch. Watch the Tunes space ;-)

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Piece in Secondary Education magazine

Education in the hand .
Not going to comment on this I contributed but you might be interested. I didn't choose the picture

Friday, June 13, 2008

Unkind words for first projector phone

Ignore the words just thinks projection from phone has arrived and it maybe generation 1.0 but watch it improves. So interface is a bit iphone like but who cares .

Firefox Mobile Concept Video. The mobile space just got FOXY !! Well nearly

Firefox is coming to mobile. The innovation, usability, and
extensibility that has propelled Firefox to 200 million users is set to
do the same for Firefox in a mobile setting.

Ok this is only concept and few screencasts and video but design and thinking looking very cool read about it and watch it at :

the thinking and discussion on realted posts on the blog is well worth reading !!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Spoof Apple introduces the iPhone 3G Videoconferencing Kit, ZOMG!

This spoof reminds my of the good old VIZ joke "why bother with expensive binoculars just move closer to the object your looking at "? From gizmodo !!!

Serious Allotments in Dundee

Ok its not about technology but hows this for a cool visit. Derek Robertsons Allotment

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Microsoft Labs

Just picked up this through contacts at Microsoft
The Microsoft lab group well worth a look.

Look at the photosynth stuff

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

UK university lectures on iTunes

University College London, the Open University and Trinity College Dublin are putting lectures onto iTunes.

Available on iTunes U another move to M in the learning space ??

Google Gadgets for Linux appears

any interest to you linux bods ?

Friday, June 06, 2008

Handheld Learning Awards last date for nominations has now been extended to August 15th

Not a duplicate post but to inform you of change of entry deadline.

last date for nominations has now been extended to August 15

go on if your doing stuff with mobile and learners apply you just might win !!

The Becta supported Handheld Learning Conference runs this year from Oct 13th-15th in London.

All delegates registered before July 31st receive a free Nintendo DS and game to keep and bring to the conference.

The Handheld Learning Awards are being hosted at a party in London on October 13th as part of the conference.

The purpose is to celebrate those practitioners, learners and participants who have excelled in the use of emerging technologies for the improvement of their learning and teaching practice.

We are seeking nominations in 4 categories:

1) Primary
2) Secondary
3) Further education ; Tertiary
4) SEN

Within each category we are looking for nominations for a practitioner and an innovation which could be a product, service, initiative or organisation.

We are also seeking nominations for our Special Achievement Award.

We expect nominations to be either made by the nominee themselves or by others.

Nominations are by a simple form and must be submitted by June 6th.

Judges will be announced by July 31st.

Finalists will be announced by September 19th.

Please make your nominations at:

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Handheld Learning Awards

go on if your doing stuff with mobile and learners apply you just might win !!

The Becta supported Handheld Learning Conference runs this year from Oct 13th-15th in London.

All delegates registered before July 31st receive a free Nintendo DS and game to keep and bring to the conference.

The Handheld Learning Awards are being hosted at a party in London on October 13th as part of the conference.

The purpose is to celebrate those practitioners, learners and participants who have excelled in the use of emerging technologies for the improvement of their learning and teaching practice.

We are seeking nominations in 4 categories:

1) Primary
2) Secondary
3) Further education ; Tertiary
4) SEN

Within each category we are looking for nominations for a practitioner and an innovation which could be a product, service, initiative or organisation.

We are also seeking nominations for our Special Achievement Award.

We expect nominations to be either made by the nominee themselves or by others.

Nominations are by a simple form and must be submitted by June 6th.

Judges will be announced by July 31st.

Finalists will be announced by September 19th.

Please make your nominations at:

Mapping the webs next utility

This title is my phrase but the article in the US Financial Times seems to bear me out

Way to go? Mapping looks to be the web's next big thing

my background first in IT was as a geographer 25 years ago doing some of the first computer cartgography and mapping using Apple IIe and mainframe packages symap and symvu . It was a grat but painful experience now its a dream come true its all on the web and increasingly accessed via your mobile or computer .

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

getting Buzzword

The answer is the browser I have often said and this addition to adobe offerring buzzword currently in beta is the most fully fuctional web base word processor I have yet come across

worth a look at and maybe a contrast with google docs as always you decide !

Digizen youve got to look at this !!

Now this report part funded by a Becta research grant has just gone live and if your interested in
  • e-safety
  • young peoples behaviours online
  • social networking
youve got to have a look
for a overview or click the link to download whole report in PDF Download the complete report
The comparison area is particularly good

Learning from digital natives: bridging formal and Informal learning .

Interesting report commissioned by the HEA by
Kathryn Trinder
Jane Guiller
Anoush Margaryan
Allison Littlejohn (Glasgow Caledonian University)
David Nicol (Strathclyde University)

Formal and informal learning have been viewed as competing paradigms,
however, students are increasingly adopting the tools and strategies for informal
learning within formalised educational settings.
This project explored the affordances of the informal practices of students in
higher education by examining ways in which they used e-tools such as personal
digital devices, communication tools, and social networking.
Barriers and enablers as examples of such e-tool integration within international
research and practice were identified, and recommendations made on
pedagogical, socio-cultural, organisational and technological aspects of the use of
informal tools to support formal learning within higher education.

Basically well worth a read if your interested in trends in education and social media .

link here

Open day at Islay School.

Islay open day one of my regular readers (Hi Ian). Ian on the Isle of Islay is having a an ICT Open Day on Friday 13th June 08.

This is being aimed at parents, and local businesses, but anyone interested in what they are doing is more than welcome.

Ian is doing great stuff with ICT with mobile and other devices but to be honest as always the pupis are stars.

Ian has more detail on his blog at

He is also using google web forms to register peoples interest.

I cant go I am in Scotland 11-12 June ;-( .

Good luck Ian would love to come and loving my rugby (see Islay beach Rugby) would have made a weekend of it. If you do it next year send the dates a bit earlier but good luck.

If you can make it go it wont be a waste of your time !!!!
Being a bit clever and using bloggers recently added ability to date stamp post into the future so they appear at top f the blog for longer . So hopefully more people notice Ians efforts. BTW his blog is in my blog roll.

Monday, June 02, 2008

RSC Eastern New Build event :How new college buildings are creating the ‘wow factor’

Great to see how RSC Eastern are making the new on jisc announce after there recent highly succesful event on new build in FE . Read the great write up at

lookout for presentations on RSC Eastern website and podcast interviews with presenters participants.
RSC Eastern New Build event "How new college buildings are creating the ‘wow factor’"

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Parents speaker louder than ever

Parents Speak Up Louder Than Ever. Kingswood
College of Arts in Hull gains an unprecedented response rate for their
mobile phone parent consultation.

Read more

OnePoint Surveys work with Kingswood College of Arts in Hull to
gain an unprecedented response rate for their mobile phone parent
consultation. The college sent a mobile phone survey to 159 year
7 parents and within a day received 54 completed surveys (34% response
rate). This is a dramatic increase on previous paper based
consultations where the college has received just one or two responses
from the parents from the entire school.

mobile web predictions 2008-2009

one persons prediction do you agree or not ? Got any other suggestions.
  • Increasing numbers of people accessing the Internet on their mobile phones
  • Mobile advertising surges ahead.
  • Shift from messaging to Internet for data usage on mobile phones.
  • Mobile commerce of physical goods will come of age.
  • The PC and mobile will become closely linked.