Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Microsoft Office Labs

Thanks to David to pointing out this on the Microsoft Office Labs site .

Through it discovered a range of useful tools add ones

 pptPlex for PowerPoint.
It   uses Plex technology to give you the power to zoom in and out of slide sections and move directly between slides that are not sequential in your presentation. Watch the videos below to see how pptPlex can help you organize and present information in a non-linear fashion. Test drive pptPlex and wow your audience with your next presentation. Its a free add on for Office get it at

The Forgotten Attachment Detector (FAD)

Great name does just that actually guys so does Gmail and Thunderbird 3
Discover how FAD can help you avoid the risk of a forgotten email attachment, saving you time and embarrassment!Play Video
Watch Video
but worth a look

Speed Launch a short cut to anywhere
Very neat drag any file into speed launch bulls eye area tag and any time you want it go to the bulls eye and click on the name you gave it it appears . Very cool!
View Slide Show

1 comment:

mhawksey said...

Ribbon Hero is my fav - bite sized MS Office training with a competitive/social twist