Friday, October 16, 2009

Gross assumptions

Had a brilliant week but really had my mindset challenged. Now reguar readers know I keep banging on the fact the next billion users of the internet will be from mobile devices. Read earlier post from ITU. But what ive missed is the role that limited bandwidth will have on those users. See story on south african broadband
even simple webpages will take ages to load if they load at all no youtube etc just think . Ive dscovered Mixit this week thanks to Adele Botha this is a social etworking app for mobile phones you never heard of it. Well wake up there are 16million users in africa . The role of the mobile cevice that nevers go near a desktop laptop to sync is vital. the role of sms cant be over stressed and the wake up to the fact outrageous charges for data no longer tolerated in most of europe are alive and well in Africa .

So bit of a rant dont go mad on media rich papers if you want to reach a wider audience think lean code and good old wap .

But this really had made me think and also not to get diverted by the shiny and new  of the I or G Phone if we are serious about digtal inclusion outside developed north think second generation devices not fifth genration moble devices.

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