Sunday, October 28, 2007

Gmail does IMAP is this a wow !!

Is this another pop at exchange by Google . It does seem a major advance.
As some of you know, IMAP is the best way to access your email from
multiple devices (e.g. phone or desktop). It keeps the same information
synced across all devices so that whatever you do in one place shows up
everywhere else you might access your email.

For example, I can:
  • read an email in Gmail, then
  • move it to the "Starred" folder on my iPhone, then
  • archive it by moving it to "All Mail" in Thunderbird, then
  • see all of those changes on my Blackberry (or any of the above devices for that matter).

For the past few years, we've offered POP access, which is similar to
IMAP but lacks one critical feature: your changes made on other devices
aren't seen in Gmail when you log back in. Instead you are presented
with a list of unread mail, and you must re-read and re-sort
everything. For this reason, as soon as I started at Google, IMAP was
one of the first things I asked about. Since then, I've seen countless
blog posts, requests, chats, and just about everything else asking,
"Are you guys ever going to do IMAP?" Well now I can say: Yes. Yes, we are doing IMAP. In fact, we are doing it for you for free on all devices and platforms.


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